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Y/n had asked him to watch a scary movie with her, despite knowing that Felix hates them. He had always said he couldn't understand why people would purposefully want to be scared. Felix debated asking for another movie, but then he was struck by a seemingly genius thought. If y/n gets scared, she will have to cuddle into me.. He glanced at the girl, who was looking at him with hopeful eyes, and decided he couldn't say no.

"Fine! We can watch whatever movie you want." He said with a pout, but inside Felix was secretly grinning. Y/n excitedly put on the movie she was wanting to watch and sat down on the couch. Felix grabbed a blanket from the other side of the couch and sat down next to y/n.  They shared the blanket across their legs as the movie started.

As the film progressed, Felix was feeling more and more unnerved. He looked over at y/n who seemed to be enjoying herself. He would've felt disappointed his plan wasn't working, but he was too busy being frightened himself. Currently, the main character was stupidly wandering into the basement by themselves after hearing a strange noise.

"This is so classic, obviously a ghost is going to be down there." Y/n said with a smirk while looking over at Felix. Her smile dropped when she saw the boy next to her, clearly frightened and on edge. "Oh dang are you okay?" She asked.

"Yep. Perfectly fine. You said a ghost was coming up?"

Y/n began to laugh at the state Felix was in but was caught off by a massive final jump-scare on the TV. The scare caused them both to scream loudly and lean into each other. Felix buried his head into her body while y/n wrapped her arms around him and looked away from the screen. The pair looked at each other and this time y/n burst out laughing.

"Y/n! It's not funny! My heart is going so fast I thought I was going to die!" He yelled.

"Hahaha it's okay! It's over now"

Y/n looked at the clock and saw it was already pretty late, and she could feel her eyes getting a bit heavy. She let out a yawn and stood up to stretch.

"I'm pretty tired now, thanks for watching that with me though" She said while smiling at Felix. Y/n noticed he looked a bit sad, almost disappointed.

"Y/n.. I don't want to stop hanging out."

The sudden confession made y/n's heart flutter. She was happy he said that because she felt the same, but she was tired and knew they had work tomorrow. She thought for a moment about what to do.

"Do you want to .. sleep in my room?" Her heart was pounding fast just by the fact she asked. She stood still and waited for his response. He looked up at her with wide eyes and for a second y/n thought he was going to say no, but his shocked expression shifted into a giddy one as a smile spread across his lips. Felix's eyes turned to crescents as he grinned wildly.


Y/n let out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding, relieved she was saved the embarrassment of rejection.

"Let me just go change then." She said rushing off to put on pajamas and tidy up the room as much as she could. Luckily it wasn't too messy, only scattered with a few articles of clothing she quickly threw into the hamper. Felix went off to his room to also get changed into comfy clothes. After a while, Felix knocked on her door and she let him in. It wasn't the first time he had been in her room of course, but this somehow felt different.

The two ended up sitting on the bed in the dark, talking and laughing about anything and everything. Their conversations flowed easily, and nothing was awkward. It almost felt how it did when they were high school, but this time it was different. Even small actions held meaning to y/n. She was surprised she had never thought this way about Felix before, now it seemed so obvious.

Slowly, the pair grew more and more sleepy. Y/n laid down on her pillow, allowing her eyes to slowly close. She assumed Felix did the same, but wasn't sure as she fell asleep so quickly.

While sleeping, y/n was awoken by Felix seemingly tossing and turning in his sleep. She sat up and and rubbed her eyes, still half asleep. The moonlight through the window illuminated just enough for her to make out Felix in front of her. He seemed to be having a nightmare. She reached out and put her hand on his shoulder to wake him, shaking only slightly but he stayed asleep.

"Felix, Felix wake up" y/n's voice came out soft and tired. After a bit more effort Felix opened his eyes and slowly sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes and looking around.

"Did you have a nightmare?" The girl asked tentatively.


Y/n couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. Felix didn't usually have nightmares, so she knew it must've been from the scary movie they had watched earlier. She looked at him sitting up in bed, his silhouette barely visible. Without thinking, she threw her arms around his neck and buried her head into his shoulder. He immediately hugged her back, pulling y/n close. From this position, she could feel his heart beating rapidly but was unable to tell if it was from the bad dream or because of their hug.

"I'm sorry I made you watch that movie with me."

Felix let out a chuckle when he heard her speak. "Nah you don't have to apologize, I'm glad we watched it together."

Y/n raised he head to look at him, and he smiled fondly at her. She could see the care in his eyes, and hoped he could see it in hers. The room was quiet, with bright stars outside the window. Unconsciously, her eyes travelled down to his lips, y/n could feel his body leaning in towards her as her heartbeat sped up. She allowed her eyes to close until she felt their lips meet. Everything about the moment felt right. The kiss was soft, not long but not short either. It conveyed emotion they had not yet spoken to each other, and left y/n feeling giddy. After pulling back, Felix looked at y/n and stroked her hair, before wrapping his arms around her and falling back to the bed. They laid in each other's arms for the rest of the night. Both sleeping peacefully and contented.

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