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"Hello, we are Stray Kids!" The 8 boys bowed, smiling at the camera while perfectly in sync with the same greeting they had done so many times. They stood in a line, Chan at their center. Felix stood far to the right, and standing only a few feet away was the man he hated most.

"Hello, we are BTS" The 7 boys in a line next to them followed, clapping and smiling at each other. Jisung, Jeongin, and Hyunjin all peaked over at their seniors greeting, smiling and giggling. Felix glanced over but was stubborn, refusing to give them a lot of his attention. Still, he smiled for the camera, making sure it was genuine. He made sure to think of Y/n, he didn't want her plan to fail.

Y/n stood with the rest of the staff off to the side, observing the two groups. She watched Jungkook, his bunny smile on his face. He looked sweet and kind, but from her point of view, Y/n could see that he also was refusing to acknowledge Felix. Maybe it will work out this way.. as long as they don't fight.


"You all need to come eat! The cars will be here in half an hour!" Y/n called into the dorm. The boys trickled in, taking a plate of the fresh breakfast. Y/n had already eaten her serving while waiting for the others to get theirs. Felix came into the kitchen, smiling wide at the girl. He got a plate of food, his eyes rarely leavings hers and the boyish grin refusing to leave his face. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and pushed past him, grossed out by the cheesy display of affection.

"It's 8 am and you two are being like this." He said with a groan.

"I think it's cute! They are lovebirds!" Changbin said in a high-pitched tone. Y/n felt a bit embarrassed being callout by the members, but Felix showed no such emotion. He just smiled and sat at the table to eat breakfast.

With everyone seated and finally in one place, Y/n began to talk

"Okay guys, please please please don't pick any fights. Be friendly, and don't hold any grudges...for the sake of your career."

"Y/n, I'll go and I'll be professional but I can't forgive them." Minho said blankly.

Seungmin added on, "Honestly, They better give some big grand apology or something.. Jungkook's actions were so uncalled for."

Felix swallowed his food and motioned to the group like he was going to talk. "The only one I have problems with is Jungkook, as long as when we meet him today and he apologizes kindly, I won't hold it against him.. I mean, assuming after that he leaves us alone forever.."

"Felix what's with your change of heart? You used to be enraged at the thought of him!" Jeongin teased.

"What can I say? I guess I'm more mature than all of you, it involves my girlfriends career, that's bigger than a petty dispute." Felix said leaning back into his chair smugly.

Everyone collectively rolled their eyes and told him to shut up, saying he was only acting so carefree because all he could think about was y/n. He just responded with a snicker and continued eating his meal.

Soon, the members were on their way to the filming location. It was a sizable house that included a pool, yard space, large dinning table as well as spacious living room. It was a more traditional style of architecture, made of wood and neutral colors.

They were going to be meeting BTS for the first time in a professional setting, where they would spend the day playing games and providing special content for their fans.

The interaction between the two was sure to bring in supporters from many fanbases, and the staff was hoping this would provide a boost to both groups while also diminishing the rumors that were currently harming both groups.

The staff set up in two of the bedrooms that wouldn't be involved in filming, and those served as the dressing rooms for Stray Kids. BTS was arriving soon and they would also take two rooms on the other side of the house.

Once both groups were here, they met in the living room where the staff gave a general idea of what they would be doing and how long it would take, they also used the time to introduce themselves to each other.

"Hi, I haven't been able to meet any of you despite our situation. I'm Namjoon." He spoke confidently with a smile, then gestured to those around him "This is Jimin, Teahyung, Hoseok, and Jin. Of course I'm sure you know Jungkoook and Yoongi well." He chuckled a bit nervously and side eyed the two members.

Chan did the same, providing introductions for himself and all the members.

"I think we owe Felix, Yoongi, and Jungkook a chance to talk, why don't we all go back to the dressing rooms then?" Namjoon spoke. He was so diplomatic and level headed, it was clear why he was a leader who often received praise. Everyone nodded got up, leaving only the three boys behind. Felix noticed as they walked that Jeongin was chatting with Jimin, and Hoseok and Jisung seemed to be getting along. Felix glanced back over at the two in front of him, waiting for one to speak first.

Jungkook leaned forwards and began to speak.

"You know I'm not even sure why Y/n stayed with you, you threw her to the dirt and-" He was cut off by Yoongi clearing his throat. Felix felt his smug attitude fade away, slipping into a much more annoyed one. He clenched his fist at his side, waiting for Yoongi to speak.

"Jungkook, so young and immature. Felix, I don't like you. Let's just have a professional relationship yeah?" Yoongi leaned back in the chair, looking satisfied like he had said all the right words.

"What?! Jungkook beat me in my own house and won't even apologize?! I didn't do anything wrong, you guys are the reason we are even in this mess!" Felix raised his voice slightly, venom laced in his words.

"Listen up Kid." Jungkook said, standing up from his seat and pointing a finger at Felix's chest. "Don't try to claim you've done nothing wrong, you hurt Y/n. I've known her since she was in middle school so don't think I'd led something like that slide. I don't care if you've made up, if you're a happy couple. Bottom line is you fucked her over and now you're trying to play innocent. If you want an apology for hitting you then sorry, I had a few drinks in my system. You want an apology for what I said on camera? Sorry, I should've kept my mouth shut, but that doesn't mean I take it back, I don't take any of it back. I can't stand seeing her with you knowing she could be with someone so much better." Jungkook stormed off after delivering the harsh lecture.

Felix stood in shock, a million thoughts running through his head. Yoongi sat straight faced staring at the younger. Rage coursed through Felix's veins, he had tried to be civil but now the thought of it has fled his mind completely. He stood up from the seat with still clenched fist, about to go after Jungkook, but before he could leave the room Yoongi stood up to block him. 

"Just go back to your dressing room, and be professional on camera."

"How could I possibly do that when he just said all that?! I don't want to work with him."

"He's just protective of Y/n, we all are."

Felix just scoffed at Yoongi's explanation and stomped back to the Stray Kids dressing rooms, slamming the door behind him.

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