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In the coming week, stray kids was busy preparing for concerts and performing. Y/n was saddened to see less of Felix, but she was busy keeping up with their schedule herself. Ever since the pair had kissed, y/n couldn't stop thinking about Felix and feeling his lips on hers again. Unfortunately, she was often snapped out of day dreams by the harsh reality of an idol's schedule.

Today, the boys sat backstage after a performance, clearly exhausted.

"Here, I brought everyone water and snacks. Eat up and gain your energy back." Y/n smiled and she set the food down on a table.

"Y/n!! You're the best~" Changbin sang out, sitting up from the couch and going to get food.

"Well of course, you have to be up early tomorrow so you can fly to Japan for promotions, so make sure you eat up now." She said.

"Hey y/n,"

The girl turned around to see Felix standing with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Tonight let's go on a walk together okay?"

"Okay Lix, sounds good to me" she said with a smile. Y/n got the feeling he had something to tell her, and anticipated it for the rest of the day.

That evening, y/n made sure everyone was packed to leave in the morning. She stood in the living room going through a checklist with Jeongin, who was last to double check his bag.

"You have everything? The passport? Your phone charger?"

"Yes y/n! I'm positive." Jeongin had a slight attitude, but it was clear that he was just tired of going through the list.

"Y/n!! Let's go on our walk now! Please?" Felix slouched on the couch, able to leave the house at anytime. The boy waited for y/n to finish, but he was becoming impatient.

"Alright alright, let me get my coat."

The two closed the door behind them, and walked down their building stairs into the chilly night air. It wasn't that late, just a bit after sunset, and the fresh air felt nice on y/n's face as she walked behind Felix. The walk was silent, but the atmosphere was comfortable and relaxing. It felt good to be outside of the chaos of the dorm.

Y/n followed Felix, occasionally stealing glances at the boys freckles and eyes. The sight warmed her heart and brought a smile to her face. She unconsciously let out a small chuckle, causing Felix to turn and look at her.

"What? What's so funny?" He asked in a playful tone, a smile playing across his lips.

"Nothing, nothing at all"

"We are almost where I want to take you, just a little longer."

Y/n nodded and continued following close behind Felix. She recognized their surroundings and had a feeling she knew where he was going.

Soon the pair made it to a bridge overlooking a river, the stars above the water looked beautiful and Y/n was reminded of days when her and Felix used to come to the bridge in highschool.

"I knew this is where you were going."

Felix stared silently at the water, not turning to look at y/n before he spoke.

"Do you remember the day I was eliminated?" He asked.

"Oh Lix don't even bring that up... of course I remember. We came to this bridge on that day too."

"We did didn't we? I cried while looking at the river below, and I always remember what you told me. You said not to give up, and that I was special. You told me I would become somebody, even if I had to take my own path."

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