Apology pt. 1

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With everything that had happened Stray Kids wasn't busy with the usual amount of schedules, leaving a lot of free time on the boys hands. They took advantage of it as much as they could, constantly working and striving to be better. Chan, Changbin, and Han spent most of their time composing songs and thinking of new ideas, occasionally with the help of Hyunjin. It had been only a few days since the so called apology given by Jungkook, and their management team was still trying to figure out what to do.

Y/n went to everyone's rooms collecting laundry, when she reached Felix's room. She stood outside the door and took a deep breath before knocking. After waiting a few seconds and nobody answered, she concluded he must be out somewhere. She opened the door and stepped inside, walking over to the laundry basket.

She passed by his desk and glanced over, noticing the photos he had framed. Y/n saw the familiar half of a photo strip. Pictured on it were two photos of Y/n and Felix on their first date, smiling and posing happily. Because of its unusual sizing, the frame it was in didn't quite fit, leaving the photo floating in the middle of extra space. Seeing the photos filled Y/n with a warm fuzzy feeling and she couldn't help the smile growing on her face. Y/n kept her half of the photos pinned up on the cork board in her room, and she would be lying if she said she didn't look at them often.

Sighing and continuing across the room, she noticed a box sitting on Felix's bed. It was a plain box wrapped in a yellow bow. Curious, the girl took a closer look to see a note written on top

For Y/n

She curiously opened the box to find rabbit print gift wrapping. The girl chuckled to herself thinking the design and ribbon were purposefully chosen. She fondly thought back to the rabbit plushie wearing a yellow bow on her bed, and smiled at the memory of Felix winning it for her. Y/n moved the wrapping away to reveal a pair of shoes. They were sneakers that fit Y/n's fashion taste perfectly. She smiled fondly at the gift before picking them up and planning to immediately put them on her feet. After lifting the shoes she found another note under. She picked it up and read in Felix's handwriting,

Use these shoes to follow the rabbit.

Follow the rabbit? She thought. What does that mean? Y/n thought it over, clearly knowing she was supposed to be led somewhere. It can't be my room where I keep the Bunny... Felix can't just go in there..

The next most obvious answer was to go to the arcade where he had won it for her. She quickly put the shoes on her feet and tied the laces. After briefly admiring how they looked Y/n walked out the dorm and walked the way to Astronaut Arcade.

After finally arriving, Y/n walked through the door and looked around. Immediately she felt a bit silly for coming all this way. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do next... why am I even here?

After looking around at the games an employee suddenly approached her.

"Excuse me!" He said, tapping on her should. The worker looked down at Y/n's new shoes before looking back up to her face. "There is food for you in the cafe."

Y/n followed the worker to the same booth she had sat in when she came with Felix. Despite it not being long ago, it felt nostalgic as so much had happened since then. The worker handed her a vanilla milkshake and basket of fries. It's the same order of food and everything... what is Felix planning?  Y/n was amazed at the dedication already show in the gift, and began eating the food in front of her.

While snacking, she thought about what she was supposed to be doing next. Y/n looked around for more clues but nothing seemed to stand out. She sipped on her milkshake when she noticed something on the clear cup. It looked as if it was a drawing on the outside, but it was drawn in white pen. Y/n drank the rest of her milkshake as fast as she could, revealing a drawing of a bridge. He drew the bridge in white marker so I couldn't see it until I drank my milkshake. Clever.

The girl hurriedly stuffed the rest of the fries in the basket into her mouth before heading to her and Felix's favorite bridge. He has me running all over town.. this better be worth it in the end. Part of her hoped the bridge would be the last stop, but another part was enjoying this series of missions.

After finally making it to the bridge she discovered it to be empty, no one was standing there waiting for her. Y/n was a little confused on her next steps, and looked around carefully while walking to the middle of the structure. She could only see the occasional car or stranger walk past her. Y/n rested her arms on the railing and placed her head in her hands, taking a second to admire the view. It was peaceful and calming, one of her favorite places in the city. She looked down at her new shoes, admiring the way they looked on her feet, when she noticed a flower tucked into the railing of the bridge.

Y/n picked up the flower and saw a name tag delicately tied around the stem, addressing the flower to her. She looked at it carefully, thinking about what it meant. It was a purple lily, the petals beautiful and healthy.

She thought about where it was supposed to lead her, and remembered a conversation she frequently had with Felix in high school. Y/n thought back to how often she told him she wanted to visit a specific garden in town, but was so busy she never got the chance. Felix listened with sparkling eyes as the girl he loved described the garden filled with purple lilies, as well as many other flowers.

"Y/n let's go together, when we graduate! It will be our celebration!"

"Okay! I'm looking forward to it Lix"

Y/n smiled fondly at the memory, although they never got the chance to go. Both of them became so busy with work.

She immediately headed towards the garden, a large grin on her face. Her feet carried her quickly as she ran through the streets. It wasn't the shortest distance, but the adrenaline pushed her through. Y/n missed Felix's arms, and wanted nothing more than to be in them in this moment. She was certain he would be waiting for her at the garden and couldn't wait to see him.

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