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Felix opened the door to the dorm, allowing Y/n to walk inside in front of him. He smiled to himself as he closed the door. Standing before the now happy couple was Chan, a serious look on his face. Immediately the worse case scenarios went through Y/n's mind.

"Is everything Okay? Did something else happen?" She asked.

He ignored her question by asking one of his own. 

"Did you two make up?"

Y/n could sense the tension and chose not to answer. She looked to Felix for his reaction and saw him making a similar face to Chan's. The silence told Chan everything he needed to know, and he let out a sigh.

"Look, I'm happy for you but at the same time, really? This situation wouldn't have happened if you stayed professional. Whatever, at least keep it under wraps."

Felix rolled his eyes at the mention of professionalism. Y/n spoke up,

"Chan I know it's stressful, but try not to worry. I'm meeting Yoongi in the morning. I'll talk to him and-"

"You are?! Is anyone from our PR team going with you?" Chan said with wide eyes.

"Why would someone have to come? He's my brother..."

"Please be careful with what you say not him. I trust you Y/n I really do, but the other staff has been questioning your ability."

"What?! My job is in question?!" 

Y/n couldn't be that surprised. Any reasonable employer would be analyzing the gains vs loss she brought to the team. 

"Don't worry! We won't let that happen. Come on, let's go to bed." Felix said, walking past Chan.

That night Y/n lay awake, thinking about everything. She wondered if talking to Yoongi would really help. Jungkook and the other members of BTS seemed to be avoiding her, rarely answering her messages and being vague. She wondered if they were following the advice of their team or doing it on their own. Even Yoongi was distant in his messages, not giving her clear answers. He never actually agreed to meet her, but she had a plan to go knocking on his door. Y/n thought about what she would say to him, and how she would fix it. Felix told her not worry about her job but she couldn't help it. She worked so hard to even land a position like the one she had. She couldn't get fired, she was still trying to prove she could be a manager. Stressfull scenarios were preventing her from sleeping all night. 

The next morning, Y/n woke up feeling groggy. She got up and noticed no one else was awake. She made breakfast and left it out for the members before heading out the front door to meet Yoongi. She got in a taxi and rode to her brothers penthouse.

As she stepped out the car she looked up at the fancy building. She never got used to his luxurious lifestyle. In order to get to the penthouse, Y/n needed a passcode. She remembered watching Yoongi type it in one time and saved it in her phone incase she needed to come over. She thanked her past self and entered the code. After a long elevator ride Y/n found herself in front of the large door. please don't be with a girl please don't be with a girl. She took a deep breath and began banging on his door.


After a few moments a buzz came from a machine next to her, and she heard his tired voice.

"Y/n, could you not see the doorbell? Really?" He unlocked the door for her and she stepped inside.

Yoongi was still in his pajamas with ruffled hair, an annoyed look on his face.

"Why have you been basically ignoring me?? Stray kids-"

"Oh PLEASE don't bring that up.. let's just eat breakfast normally yeah? Remember when we lived together with mom and dad? Like that."

"What?! Yoongi you can't act like it's not happening they need you to-"


Y/n frowned and glared. He was being so immature and annoying. She picked up the shoes sitting in the entry way and began throwing them one by one. 

"OW! HEY! STOP!" Yoongi ran around the spacious room ducking to avoid being hit. Y/n had about 4 pairs of shoes to go through and she threw them relentlessly. 

"LISTEN TO ME!" She yelled, still throwing. She was down to her last shoe. Y/n put extra strength and aimed carefully before hurling it across the room. It hit Yoongi on the back and made a loud thump sound.

"OW! Jeez okay I'll listen."

"Stray Kid's image is suffering because of you and Jungkook inability to be professional. It's your responsibility to apologize GENUINELY. It's wrong and unfair of you."

"Yeah okay but a couple problems, Jungkook won't apologize. And how much can an apology honestly do?"

"Convince him!"

"No, I don't like Felix."

"No?! Are you serious Yoongi?? Felix and I made up, and Stray Kids is more people than just Felix! How selfish can you be?! My job is on the line too! Felix, me, and the rest of Stray Kids are all affected by this!"

Yoongi thought for a second before speaking.

"Okay, so what do you want to do?"

"You're right about the apology thing, it might not do much, but it's a start. Regardless it needs to happen. Another thing that would help is just showing support for each other. Not in an over the top way, just something simple like playing one of each others songs during a live. You don't even have to comment on it just let it play. Next, I think it would be beneficial for you guys to do some sort of collaboration content. Maybe come together for a variety show of sorts.."

He thought about everything she said, and considered what it would mean for his group. After a while he let out a big sigh.

"Okay, I'll talk to Namjoon. BUT, Y/n I'm doing it for you not for them."

"Okay! And I'll talk to Chan."

"You haven't told them anything yet?!"

"By the way, can you and Jungkook get over your grudge?"

"... Maybe. Y/n, you really sound like a manager"

Hearing those words put a huge smile on the girls face, and she felt hopeful the situation would be solved.

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