Chapter 4

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(my pov)

I had just finished in the shower and I threw on some denim shorts and a white top. As I walked out of the door Jessie was just coming up the stairs.

“They had to go because Alfie’s mom was angry that he hadn’t told them where he was”she told me.

“Oh ok” I said disappointed that I hadn’t been able to say goodbye.

I walked into Jessie’s room to get my make-up and smiled as I saw that Marcus had left his jacket on the bed. It stood out really clearly because it was red and the sheet covers were blue so I saw it in the corner of my eye and laughed. I didn’t know whether it was on purpose or not but I didn’t care. I shoved it on and went to put my make up on in the bathroom.

I started putting on a thin layer of natural foundation when I heard Jessie start playing Justin Bieber really loud in her bedroom.

‘wooaaaah oh woah oh well let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy, he fell in love with his best friend, when she’s around he feels nothing but joy’

I laughed at Jessie’s singing and put on a little bit of blusher and a thin layer of eyeliner. I walked in and started to join in the singing with her.

You can’t fly unless you let yourself fall. I can tell you’re afraid of what this might do because we got such an amazing friendship here that you don’t wanna lose’

After the song had finished, we did a pose in the mirror and both started laughing.

“We’re so funny” Jessie laughed and I joined in.

I walked over to my phone whilst Jessie went to put her make up on.

1 new message

I opened it up and it was off Marcus. It read ‘Oh no I forgot my jacket, looks like I’ll have to see you again soon so I can get it;)xxxxx’. I laughed at my phone and rolled my eyes. ‘What makes you think you’re gonna get it back?xxxxx’ I replied.

I went to brush my hair and after about a minute, my phone beeped so I went to check it. It was off Marcus. ‘What makes you think you can keep it?xxxxx’ I smiled at my phone as Jessie walked in.

“What you smiling at?” she asked grinning “got a text off Marcus aye?” she laughed.

“Maybe”I laughed.

“What did he say?”


“Bitch! Tell me”

I laughed and tapped my nose again to indicate that I wasn’t going to tell her.

“Eugh, you’re so annoying!” she said laughing as I walked out of the room.

I went downstairs and put the TV on with my phone in my hand. Jessie is used to me treating the house as if it was mine because she does it at my house too. This house was practically my second home anyway.

I replied to Marcus ‘Whats going to stop me from keeping it?xxxxx’.

Jessie came and joined me on the sofa and we started to watch Jeremy Kyle when my phone beeped again. I was expecting it to be Marcus but it wasn’t. It was my mom ‘please could you come home now. X’ I told Jessie that I had to go and left soon after.

*11 days later*

Today was the first day of college and I hadn’t spoken to Marcus since we slept over at Jessie’s house. He hadn’t text me back and I had text him a few times but not a lot because I didn’t want to text him too much in case I was annoying him. I was so upset and didn’t want to go in on the first day. I didn’t know whether he was blanking me or he didn’t want to talk to me or what. I was scared that I would bump into him and it would be awkward.

A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes fanfic...Where stories live. Discover now