Chapter 9

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(my pov)

“So you and Marcus are getting pretty serious, right?”

“Look, Maz…” I started but he interrupted before I could finish.

“Grace, listen. This isn’t some speech about what happened and shit. This is me saying how genuinely sorry I am. I’m not saying that I didn’t, well, don’t like you, but I’m just asking if we could be friends. When I first saw you, I thought you were beautiful and when we started speaking  I really liked you but I want you to know that I’m not that kind of person. I would never have done that if I’d have known. So, I’m genuinely so sorry"

I smiled and gave him a hug. He was so warm and cuddly. He laughed and kissed my head. I looked up at him “I would never think you were that kind of person.”

He laughed and blushed. He looked up and I smiled at him.

“Friends, yeah?”

“Of course” I smiled at him and he smiled back.

I went back to Marcus and Joe. We decided that it was best for me to tell Marcus that me and Maz were friends rather than him seeing us together so I said I would tell him after the party and Maz agreed.


A lot more people had arrived by this time and Marcus was showing me to a lot of his friends that I hadn’t met before or that I had seen around college. We saw Dan, Phil and Caspar who I had met before at college and I met some new people that didn’t go to our college. He was now introducing me to some friends called Sam Pepper and Louis Cole. Louis was lovely. He had dreadlocks and wore a red jumper with pineapples on it. Sam had dark hair and was so funny. Marcus had told me that they all used to be really good friends but didn’t speak to each other much anymore.

Joe came over to say hi and it was like we hadn’t stopped speaking to each other. We were talking about memories and things we used to do when we were friends.

“Oh yeah, when you got that piece of chewing gum stuck in Miss Brunt’s hair!” he started to laugh and I joined in.

“I know! Her face was hilarious!”

We talked for hours and exchanged our new numbers.

“We should meet up more often, you were one of the best friends I ever had” he looked at me as I blushed and gave him a hug.

“Definitely! Most of my good memories from school were with you to be fair” I winked at him and he laughed.

“Hey guys” Marcus came over to us with a drink that he handed to me.

“Thanks” I smiled at him and he nodded.

“Alright mate” Joe said to Marcus.

“Alright” Marcus smiled at him “Sam. Louis. This is Joe.” He introduced everybody. Sam and Louis turned around as they had been having their own conversation whilst me and Joe were talking and they all shook hands.

“Hi, I’m Joe, Zoella’s brother and I’m good friends with both Marcus and Grace.

“Oh yeah, I know Zoe” Sam said to Joe and Louis laughed and elbowed him in the ribs “shut up” Sam whispered to Louis as he blushed and looked away. Joe just laughed.


After being introduced to more of Marcus’ friends and had eaten enough for two, we decided it was time to head home. We hadn’t seen Alfie and Jessie for a while but found them talking to Dan and Phil. They were just saying goodbye so we all turned to the door.

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