Chapter 13

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(my pov)

We made it just in time to the assembly and Marcus had saved two seats for us. We sat down and his eyebrows narrowed as if to say what’s up with her? I just shook my head and he nodded looking to the front to listen to what Mrs Spencer had to say. She is the deputy head and stepped in when nobody else was around. She didn’t teach anything.

“Good morning everybody” she started “you all have the opportunity to go to Mallorca on a school trip.” Me and Marcus looked at each other and smiled. Mrs Spencer carried on “this trip will take place in January after Christmas. If you are interested grab a letter on the way out and be sure to ask you parents” you could tell that she hated her job because when everyone ran to grab a letter she rolled her eyes and walked out.

Me and Marcus ran to grab a letter before they had all gone. Alisha walked behind. I didn’t know what to do but when I looked back she was with Maz and was smiling so I decided not to go back and intrude.


I went back to my dorm at the end of the day ready to go to sleep. When I got back Jessie was sitting on the sofa.

“Didn’t you get a letter?” I asked her.

“Nah, I don’t think I’m going to go” she half smiled.


“Just don’t want to” she said. I could see there was a reason, she just wasn’t telling me but I didn’t push her for an answer.

I was shattered so I fell straight asleep and missed dinner.

*2 months later*

It was November and snow had started to fall and Christmas decorations had started to appear in shop windows. It was now the holidays and we all went home to our families but Marcus came over a few times. I still hadn’t met his family which I was kind of glad about because I would be shy and awkward. Also, it was Marcus’ birthday on 21st December and he was already thinking of things he wanted.

I had a good idea of throwing him a surprise party so when he came over I tried to persuade him to not plan a party.

“I don’t think you should have a party this year” I said cuddling up to his chest. We were watching a film that was on TV and it was the advert break. We were lying in my bed with coke and chocolate. He looked down at me “I think we should spend it just me and you” I smiled and he smiled back. I carried on “we could go out for a meal and then go back to mine or yours”.

“Sure, I’m not very good at planning things anyway” he chuckled and curled his fingers around mine. We finished watching the rest of the film and it was 10:00pm so we decided to go to sleep. My parents didn’t mind Marcus sleeping over as they were only next door anyway and they trusted him.

We were already in our pyjamas and were ready for bed so we just pulled the covers over us and turned the light off. I cuddled up to him but I was still cold. I started to shiver and he must’ve felt it because he grabbed his jacket and put it over me. It was so warm. I curled up into a ball, taking in his scent from the jacket.

I wasn’t that tired and neither was he so neither of us could sleep.

“What are we doing tomorrow again?” I asked.

“We could either go shopping or you could come to mine?” he asked hopefully. I had been putting off going to his house because I knew I would embarrass myself in front of his family but I couldn’t avoid it forever.

“Well, I don’t need to go shopping for anything” I smiled and he laughed.

“So, my house then?”

A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes fanfic...Where stories live. Discover now