Chapter 14

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“Grace, she doesn’t want me to tell anybody and I don’t… I just don’t know what to do! I’m 16! I’m still a child myself” he put his head in his hands and I gave him a hug.

“Does she want to keep it?”

“She doesn’t know. She doesn’t want to tell her parents.” He looked up at me and then down at his phone. He had a text so he picked it up and read it. “It’s Alisha” he carried on reading “she’s decided to abort it and she’s at the doctors now” his head shot up.

I didn’t know what to say but I didn’t have to say anything because he stood up and put the phone to his ear pacing the room.

“Alisha,” he sounded relieved “Alisha, are you sure about this?” I couldn’t hear what she said on the other end but he said “only if you’re sure. Do you want me to come down there?” he started to put his shoes on “I’ll be there in 5 ok?” he hung up.

He came over to me and gave me a hug so I hugged him back. “Thank you for being there Grace. Sorry I wasted your time”

“Don’t be silly” I smiled “I hope everything goes well” he hugged me again.

He put his snapback on and he looked so hot! Wait, what, I didn’t say that! We both left, me to my dorm and Maz to the doctors.

“Let me know how it goes” I said as he walked down the corridor.

He turned around and said “I will” before running to get a taxi.

I got back to my dorm and sat on my bed.

“JESSIE” I called Jessie from her room and grabbed my party planning notebook from the drawer.

“What do you want?” she said jokily as she jumped on my bed.

“OI” I shouted as all of my papers fell to the floor “go and get Alfie, tell him to come over and we can plan the party. It will look weird if I go over and ask Alfie to come over and not Marcus.”

“Fine” she moaned about having to go out so she just decided to text him. He had his phone on him constantly so he was round within five minutes.

“So, I’ve made a list of the things we need to sort out and we only have a couple of weeks before his birthday so we need to get going” I smiled and they laughed at me. We were sat in a circle on the floor in our living room.

“Okay, so I’ll arrange the food” Jessie grinned. She loved to bake and cook.

“I’ll arrange decoration and invitations” Alfie studied the list to see if there was anything else he could do “oh, and I know a really cool DJ”

I smiled, that was most things sorted already. I was left to sort out where we were going to hold it and getting his cake. It was his 18th birthday so I wanted it to be special. I knew that he wanted a party but he just didn’t like arranging things so I thought this was a good way of getting him a party.


It was two days before Marcus’ birthday party and everything was sorted. He didn’t have a clue what was going on. Also, the PlayStation 4 had just come out and I knew how much he wanted it and how much he loved playing Fifa so I had saved up as much as I could and (with the help of my parents money) bought him one. Alfie and Jessie decided to buy him some games to go with it.

“GRACE, DOOR!” I had my music on so I wasn’t able to hear the door…but I could hear Jessie’s big mouth!

I got up and turned my music down before opening the door.

A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes fanfic...Where stories live. Discover now