Chapter 20

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(my pov)

“Bye guys” we all said goodbye to Jack and Finn. The snow had all gone as it had rained overnight and we were all going to our parents’ houses.


“Bye mom” I gave her a hug as I left to go over to Marcus’.

I got in the car with Evan. “Thanks for dropping me off” I smiled.

“That’s ok” he smiled back and put the radio on. I started humming along to the song that I recognised.

“This is it, thank you” I smiled and gave him a hug as he waved. He always waited until I had been let in before he drove off.

“Hey” Marcus said as he opened the door and kissed my lips. I turned around and waved to Evan. He waved back and then drove off.

“So, what did you get?” he asked me as we went up to his bedroom.

“Erm, a camera…” I started.

“Really? Me too” he said excitedly and I just laughed.

After we had discussed what we had for Christmas, Marcus decided to put some music on YouTube.

“I really want to start a YouTube channel, it would be so cool” I thought aloud.

“Me too, it would be awesome” he said.

“Why not do it then?” I said grabbing his camera and putting it on his desk.

“What do I say?” he asked and I just shrugged and told him to introduce himself. I stood behind the camera so that you couldn’t see me and started recording. [A/N I know he wasn’t 18 when he started YouTube but just roll with it;)]

“Hello there YouTuuuuuuube” he said and I laughed “shut up” he said and threw a pillow at me. I pretended to lock my lips with a key and he carried on.


After he had finished it, we watched it back and realised there was a lot of editing that needed to be done so we edited it all and put it up. Then, while it was uploading, Marcus filmed me doing an introduction video and we edited it and uploaded it.

*just over 1 year later*

I hadn’t really been uploading that many videos to YouTube whereas Marcus had taken it very seriously and he loved to do it. He’d also gained a lot of subscribers and now had his own ‘thing’ which was to say ‘HELLOOOOOO’.

“MARCUS!” I said running up and jumping at him. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I had gone away for a month to America.

“GRACE, I missed you so much” he said kissing my lips.

“So, shall we go somewhere? I have to go and see Jessie soon so I don’t have long” I said standing up.

“Actually, I can’t, I have to film a new video” he said.

“Oh, ok” I said, slightly annoyed that he didn’t want to spend time with me after I’d been away for a month.

After he had finished making the video, I asked if we should go out and he said he had to edit it and upload it.

“Can’t you do it after? I want to spend time with you” I said sitting next to him.

“I can’t, sorry” he said not even looking at me, just staring at his laptop.

“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” I said moodily and walked back to my dorm.

I had a shower and waited for Jessie to get back which wasn’t long.

A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes fanfic...Where stories live. Discover now