Chapter 11

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“Hey Grandma” Molly gave her a hug and then went to grandpa “hello Grandpa” he picked her up and she pecked his cheek.

“Grace, hello darling,” Grandma said. I gave them both a hug and then introduced them to Marcus.

“Grandma, Grandpa, this is Marcus” they all said hello to each other.

“Hello everyone” Evan came through the door and said hey to everyone but the hallway had started to get a bit crowded so we all moved into the lounge. It was still a bit of a squeeze but Molly sat on Grandpa’s lap and mom was in the kitchen finishing dinner so we just about all fit on the sofas.

“Evan, this is Marcus. Marcus, this is Evan my older brother,” they shook hands.

“Alright”Evan greeted Marcus and he replied with a nod and a smile. Evan looked him up and down as if he was examining him and I gave him a stern look as if to say‘don’t be an over protective idiot’. He looked me in the eye and saw my look so he looked away as he sat down on the sofa. I sat next to Marcus and Evan but it was a squash so I sat close to Marcus and put my hand on his knee. He put his on mine and winked at me so I smiled back at him.


After talking and Marcus getting to know my family and my family getting to know Marcus, dinner was finally ready. My family hadn’t been as bad as I thought they would be, or as patronizing so I wasn’t as nervous as I had been.

“Dinner’s on the table” mom called from the dining room. It was like Christmas. There was carved chicken on a plate and vegetables with potatoes, gravy stuffing, pigs in blankets. This is why I wanted to come home. To have a proper meal.

We all tucked into the giant feast and ate so much that we were all full.

After dinner, the football was on and Evan and Grandpa went into the lounge, grabbed a beer and put the football on.

“You can watch the football too you know,” I said to Marcus “grab another beer and sit down” I smiled at him. I wanted to make him feel like he was welcome even if the others weren’t. Having Marcus over was nothing like I expected it to be. I expected everyone to question him and patronize him but it was the complete opposite. Apart from a few questions to get to know him, he was invisible. I didn’t know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing.

“No, I’m ok thanks, I can’t drink any more because I’m driving” I laughed at him and mom gave me an approving look, over hearing our conversation “but watching the football would be nice” he smiled.

“Ok, we can watch it upstairs if you want?” I asked him and he agreed.

We went upstairs and both sat on the double bed. I turned the TV to the football and pretended to look interested.

After about fifteen minutes he put his hand on my thigh and laughed at me, “you don’t have to pretend to like it you know. I can tell that you’re bored, we can change it if you want to” he kissed my cheek.

“No it’s fine” I said and moved closer next to him. He kept his hand on my thigh and I carried on pretending it was the most interesting thing I had ever seen.

“YES!”we heard a shout from downstairs but my TV must’ve been a few seconds behind because we hadn’t seen a goal yet so when they scored me and Marcus both laughed.

I got a text off Jessie.

From: Jessie

Hey, can I call you?xxx


Yeah sure(: xxx

I answered the phone and she was crying on the other end. Marcus realised I was on the phone and turned the volume down on the TV.

A Marcus Butler and Alfie Deyes fanfic...Where stories live. Discover now