Chapter 28: Date 7. 🌃Uraraka🌃

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"Wow, that sounds so cool Iida-kun!" Deku commented over the bustling of the lunchroom. "She sounds like she really enjoyed it."

Uraraka frowned as she bit into her mochi. As much as she liked Deku, she still felt a pang of jealousy when he talked about his day with (Y/n). She wanted to do something with the nurse that would stick in her mind, but with her lack of money, Uraraka had very few options.

"Uraraka-san? Uraraka-san!"

She jumped in her seat as Deku waved a hand to get her attention.


"I asked you when you were going to ask (Y/n)-chan out." the green haired boy repeated, taking a bite of his lunch.

"Ah, I don't know..." she scratched at her cheek. "I can't really take her on a date because everywhere's pretty expensive."

"I'm sure there's someplace you can take her Ochaco-chan." Tsu poked her tongue out and tapped a finger to her chin.

"Yeah, we'll help you figure something out." Deku smiled.

"Really? But don't you two also like (Y/n)?" she asked, pointing to him and Iida.

"Yes, but it would be unfair if everyone interested didn't have a chance with her." Iida reasoned.

Uraraka smiled.

"Thank you all so much."


(Y/n) sighed as she took shelter under a tree to hide from the sun's rays. Despite being winter, the sun decided to pay Mustafu a surprise visit, basking the country in golden rays of light.


(Y/n) looked up from her book and watched Uraraka jog down the path. School had ended shortly before and (Y/n) noticed Uraraka had changed into a casual shirt and jeans.

"Hey Ochaco. What's up?"

"Would you like to go to the beach with me?" she asked once she reached the tree.

"It's pretty cold for that Ochaco-chan." (Y/n) glanced up at the clouds quickly coming in.

"I know, but would you be up for a walk along the beach? Just for a little while." she asked, rocking back and forth on her heels.

(Y/n) went over her schedule in her head to make sure no plans required her immediate attention.

"Why not? Let's enjoy the sunshine while we can." she grinned, snapping her book shut. The two girls left the school grounds as other students walked home.

"(Y/n)!" a student called out to her. "I wanted to give you this!"

He took out a few small candies and placed them into the nurse's hand. Uraraka tried to ignore the muscle twitching in her jaw.

"Ah, thank you-"

"Wait, (Y/n), I have stuff for you too!" another guy called, growing a rose out of his palm to give to the girl. Uraraka bit back a growl.

"Um, thank you as well-" she tried to say.

"I have something for you!" a third boy called, running over with a stuffed bear.

Uraraka took (Y/n)'s hand and jerked the nurse into a sprint. The two girls ran through the entrance garden, weaving in and out of trees. The boys weren't willing to give up pursuit, following close behind.

Uraraka's quirk activated and (Y/n) felt her feet leave the ground. (Y/n) didn't exactly feel the urge to float continuously to space, so she gripped onto Uraraka's wrist.

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