Chapter 24: Date 3. ❤💪Kirishima💪❤

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Kirishima watched Bakugo lean back in his chair, a cocky grin wide across his face.

The ash blond had finished his retelling of his date night with (Y/n), stirring the class into a frenzy.

"What? She laid her head on your chest?!"

"You guys stargazed?!"

"There's no way the part about the sweater is true! How'd she even get it from you?"

"Bakugo, we're gonna kill you!" the cried in unison. He raised his hands and explosions crackled in his palms.

"You wanna go, extras?"

Everyone tensed, then muttered quietly to themselves.

"That's what I fuckin' thought!" he crowed.

Kirishima frowned. Sure, Bakugo was an ass most of the time, but he needed to be taken down a peg or two at the moment.

After mulling it over, Kirishima decided he would ask (Y/n) out after class. The would surely shut Bakugo up.

But was it worth probably getting blown up later?


"Hey, (Y/n)!"

The nurse turned to greet the friendly redhead.

"Hey Kiri! What do you need?" she replied.

Kirishima opened his mouth to answer, but it felt dry. He gulped as his mind went blank and he tried to build up the courage to ask her out.

C'mon, be a man! Just ask her out on a date. You won the Halloween Hunt, she'll most likely agree! There's no reason to be nervous around her! Even if she is a super manly fighter and is amazing at balancing out fighting and healing! Just say it! Say it!


The nurse stared at him, puzzled.


Kirishima chuckled, but mentally facepalmed.

"Sorry, I spoke too fast! I wanted to know... if uh... if you wanted to go see a movie with me." he repeated.

"Yeah, sure! After school?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah, I bought tickets to see the latest Crimson Riot movie! It details his rise to fame and what he was like as an upcoming hero!"

All his nervousness forgotten, Kirishima went on a small rant about how excited he was to see the movie. When he caught (Y/n) grinning at him, he stopped.

"A-ah, sorry! I got carried away." he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "So, the front of the school at 18:00?"

"Sure! See you then!"

He hurried off clutching his chest to calm his excited heart.

She said yes! I knew I could do it!

He ran down the halls with his head held high.


Kirishima led (Y/n) into the theater lobby, grinning as the smell of popcorn and hot dogs greeted his nose.

"I'm so hungry..." (Y/n) said, practically drooling at the sight of the snacks. She checked the prices and her eyes bulged.

"This much?! For this little?" she hissed, staring at the small candy packet. "I didn't pack this much money!"

Kirishima began having second thoughts.

I only brought enough for two tickets and a medium popcorn... we'll run out within the first five minutes of sitting down!

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