Chapter 23: Date 2. 🎆Bakugo🎆

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"Oi, (Y/n)!"

The nurse turned to see Katsuki marching towards her. She greeted him with a smile. He paused for a second after seeing Kaminari standing next to her.

Did he already ask her? Damn it!

He glared harshly at the blond, who felt shivers run down his spine. He made a quick excuse to leave and rushed off down the corridor.

"Hey 'suki. What's-"

"You. Me. 16:40. At this address. Bring all of this shit."

He shoved a paper into her hands and stalked off. (Y/n) stared after him, bewildered.

"What was all that about?"

As soon as Katsuki turned the corner of the hall, he let out a breath he wasn't aware of holding. He had been working up the nerve to ask her out on the date he had been promised for the Halloween Scavenger Hunt.

(Y/n) didn't make him nervous, no, it was something else. Nobody made Katsuki nervous. He was going to be the number one hero for god's sake! He didn't get nervous!

But for some strange reason, he lost his cool around her. His face flushed pink, his heart beat faster, and it seemed butterflies danced in his stomach every time she looked at him. Despite squashing those feelings down, he couldn't ignore them.

After she showed up to school with her painted nails, and after going on and on about how Tokoyami had done them, Katsuki knew he had to one-up the bastard. It made his blood boil the way she looked at him with such admiration and interest. He wanted her to look at him like that too.

"That damn Birdhead's not gonna beat me! I'll take her on an even better date!" he snarled. After pondering the idea for a date, he finally came up with a good one.

"This'll be so amazing she'll forget all about her shitty movie date!" he crowed triumphantly. Grinning to himself, he picked up the pace back to class.


"Oi, dumbass! Over here!"

(Y/n) jogged across the street to meet up with the impatient ash blond.

"Hey 'suki." (Y/n) glanced at the sun, low in the sky. "I didn't have much time to pack after school since you asked me so suddenly, but I grabbed just the essentials."

She turned around, showing off her cute hiking bag. She took this chance to admire the mountain in the distance.

Katsuki said nothing, glancing up and down her body.

She looks... cute? No, she looks good, he thought, wanting to avoid using a word that might make him hurl. His eyes lingered on her slim legs before his train of thought was interrupted.

"Hello? Earth to Katsuki?" (Y/n) said, waving her hand in front of his face. He blinked and his crimson gaze met her soft (e/c) one.

"You wore the right shoes? Packed bug spray?" he interrogated. "Something warm to wear?"

"Yeah yeah Bear Grylls." (Y/n) waved her hand over her things. She had worn proper hiking boots, shorts, and a nice tee-shirt.

"Did you pack at least two waterbottles?"

"W-well, I have one-"

"That's not gonna cut it."

He dug around in his pack and handed her another.

"You're lucky I prepared ahead for your forgetful ass." he snapped. (Y/n) took the bottle and packed it away.

"Aw, how sweet, you were thinking of me." she grinned. He scowled. "So, you wanna tell me what we're doing on the outskirts of town? You planning on killing me and dumping my body in the woods?"

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