Chapter 43: Final Exams Continued!

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I made Baby Yoda earrings. That's all you need to know. He babey. Also the cup is hollowed out.

(Y/n) winced as she watched the debris fall around Denki and Mina. Principal Nezu was systematically knocking things down with a crane, creating multiple chain reactions to trap them.

"C'mon guys, you've got one more opening." (Y/n) muttered. In the end, time ran out.

"(Y/n)!" Mina and Denki cried once they saw her.

"Hey guys. I saw you didn't make it."

"Yeah, we ran outta time." Denki sighed.

"That's okay! I'm sure you'll do great next time!"

The two had to shield their eyes from her bright smile.

"So bright..."

(Y/n) helped them both out of the debris, making sure they didn't twist their ankles trying to get free. She gave them both lolipops and sent them back to the waiting room.

She went back to the monitor room to watch Koda and Jirou's match. (Y/n) felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as she watched Present Mic clear his throat. 

He let out a scream, the vibrations sending both the kids tumbling. They hid behind a rock, cowering and covering their ears.

"That doesn't look good..." she murmured. A couple drops of blood dribbled from Jirou's ears and she winced.

In the end, they won when Koda ordered a horde of bugs to attack Present Mic. The poor pro fainted from the shock.

(Y/n) approached Koda and studying him to see if he had any injuries like Jirou. Surprisingly, he said his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear out of one of them. (Y/n) suggested he stay in a separate room from the others and de-stress.

(Y/n) turned to tend to Jirou.

"Are you alright?" she asked quietly. The girl shook her head gently, her hands over her ears.

"I can't hear much..." she croaked. "Am I gonna be okay?"

"You should be okay after a while." (Y/n) assured her. Jirou gave her a bemused look.(Y/n) took out a pen and her notebook. Flipping to a blank page, she clicked her pen and wrote what she wanted to say. Cleaning the blood off, she took an otoscope to take a closer look.

Can you describe the pain?

"It's like an overwhelming pressure on my ears." she sighed. "I'm also pretty dizzy."

There was no fluid discharge from her ears, which was good. No foreign objects in her ears. She had Jirou walk in s straight line to test her for vertigo. She was a bit wobbly, but for the most part, her line was pretty clear.

Do you feel like you're going to throw up?

"No, my ears just hurt."

You should stay in the room with Koda for a while. I have some headphones for you to use and you can soothe the ringing by listening to white noise. It helps after concerts.

"Did my eardrums rupture?"

No, I think the closest thing I can describe it as is Barotrauma. Your ears may bleed or start ringing due to extreme pressures. I think since the sound of Present Mic's voice came at you so fast, the vibrations hit you with more pressure than you're used to. Just have a lolipop and relax. I'll use a bit of my quirk to speed up the healing process.

(Y/n) handed her a candy and smiled. Placing her hands over the girl's ears, she concentrated on healing them slowly. When she was done she slipped the headphones on Jirou and clicked play on the white noise playlist. Koda led her to the waiting room.

"I might have went a little overboard." Present Mic said sheepishly. (Y/n) gave him a deadpan look.

"No, really?"


"Are you two okay?"

"Yeah. Snipe-sensei made sure to keep any bullets from hitting us." Toru assured her.

"Okay then. Have a lolipop and head back to the wait room."

She waved them off and checked to see who was up next.

"Oh god." she sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. It was Sero and... Mineta.

"I hope she punts him into the next galaxy." (Y/n) grumbled, walking back to the monitor room. After all these rounds, her healing everyone was getting to her. She blinked her eyes and shook her head to keep herself awake.

The round started and Midnight stepped out from behind a boulder. Sero used his tape and yeeted Mineta away.

While he was distracted, Midnight pressed the buttons to open his helmet. Her fragrance enveloped him, causing him to pass out. He fell and Midnight caught him, laying him on her knee. Mineta was crying blood.

"Heh. Good." (Y/n)'s lips curled upwards into a menacing grin. Izuku, Uraraka, Tsu, Iida, and Momo stared at her nervously.

"(Y/n)? Are you all right?" Iida asked. She turned to them, her grin softening into an adorable closed-eye smile.

"Yeah! Why do you ask?"

The aura around her was so warm and comforting, they all told themselves it was a trick of the light.

"Ah, no reason..."

Mineta ran and ran until his stumpy little legs couldn't carry him any further. He stood there, lost in thought until Midnight approached him, licking her lips.

He ran, hands over his mouth. Midnight gave chase with her whip lashing after him. He ducked behind a rock to hide.

Midnight rolled her eyes and stopped walking. She said something, and ripped her other sleeve.

Mineta darted out, Sero's tape over his mouth. He threw his grape balls at Midnight, sticking her to her whip.

He ran past her and back to Sero, picking him up and dragging him through the gate. (Y/n) met him there, her arms crossed.

"(Y/n)! Did you see my match?" he cried.

"Yeah, I did. You had a pretty good plan, I'm surprised." she commented.

"Well, since I won my match, how about I get a winner's kiss?" he asked. (Y/n) glared at him so harshly, she might have burned a hole through his head.

"Or- or not."

She took Sero from him and loaded him onto the stretcher. It rolled alongside her up to the recovery office. (Y/n) gave him a kiss on his head, sending a jolt of energy to his system.

"Ah! Oh (Y/n). What happened?"

"Mineta won the match for both of you and carried you through the gate." (Y/n) jabbed a thumb towards the door.

"Really? Aw man, I feel totally useless now." he sighed. "At least I passed."

"Yeah... that's great..." (Y/n) yawned, rubbing her eyes. "Sorry, I'm just getting a lil tired after all those rounds. Oh, and after this it's Izuku and Katsuki against All Might."

She groaned, throwing her head back.

"No doubt they'll get the most injured today. But oh well, I'll just need a nap." she said.

"Okay. Thanks for healing me (Y/n)."

Sero waved, stepping out into the hall.

"Yeah, no problem."

The door clicked shut and (Y/n) stood there, lost in thought.

Will I be prepared enough? I hope so. I can't let my family down!

She collected her supplies and went back to the monitor room. Smiling at the other students, she turned to the screen. Her smile faded as she watched Izuku and Katsuki approach each other, shouting and arguing.

C'mon you guys! I know you can win this!

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