Chapter 25: Date 4: 💚Midoriya💚

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You can do this Izuku!

The freckled boy stood nervously outside the nurse's office.

Just go up to her, and ask her out! It's not that hard!

He groaned and facepalmed.

Of course it's hard! (Y/n) is leagues above me, and who knows, she'll probably go back on her deal and refuse to go out with me!

Izuku muttered to himself quietly and passing students glanced over worriedly. He shook his head and slapped himself lightly.

No! Just be forward, and ask her out! You can do this!

He took a deep breath and raised a hand to knock on the door. It swung open and his curled hand rapped lightly on someone's face.

"Ow..." they whined. Izuku's eyes widened as he recognized the sweet voice and the (h/c) hair.

"(Y/n)!" he cried, his face turning red as a tomato. "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- Are you okay?"

The boy continued to ramble on, his arms flailing around as he sputtered. (Y/n) watched the nervous boy with amusement.


"Again, I'm so stupid-"


"I really didn't mean it-"

"Izuku!" (Y/n) shouted, making people around them jump. The freckled boy's mouth snapped shut.

"It's okay." she laughed, taking his hand in her own. "I know it was an accident. You didn't mean to, and anyways, I should have been more observant when opening the door."

Izuku's brain short-circuted as (Y/n) took his hands. His palms grew sweaty and he bit down on his tongue.

"Let's go into my office to talk."

Izuku nodded dumbly, too overwhelmed to speak.

The nurse led him into the office and he followed gladly.

"Hello Midoriya. Broken another bone, I presume?" Recovery Girl cocked an eyebrow.

"N-no, not this time miss."

"Hm." The old woman looked genuinely surprised. "That's a first."

"Grandma, stop teasing him. He's already embarrassed enough." (Y/n) smiled good-naturedly.

The older nurse hummed again, but went back to filing paperwork.

"So, I see you haven't broken any bones, so why have you come down to the nurse's office?" (Y/n) asked, popping a candy into her mouth.

Izuku's voice died in his throat. The moment he was going to ask her out, his body seized up and refused to work with him.

"I... I uh..."

He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. (Y/n) tilted her head to the side, waiting patiently for his answer.

"I wanted to ask... to ask y-you out." he said finally. (Y/n) smiled kindly.


"What? Really? You accept?"

Izuku stood gaping like a fish out of water.

"Yes? Why wouldn't I?" (Y/n) asked confusedly. "I did agree to the Halloween Hunt, and it would be very bad to go back on my word."

Izuku scrunched up his face and clutched the front of his shirt.

So pure...

"Izuku? Your face looks kinda funny..."

He snapped out of his thoughts and nodded.

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