Chapter 16: Boy (and Girl) Talk

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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to put a disclaimer at the beginning of this chapter. Later on, this does talk about sexuality and the reader being bi, so if you're not bi, that's okay! Just don't go hating on others in the comments who may be bi, lesbian, or any other part of the LGBTQ+ community.

I will be having a choose your own ending style to the book, so just read the guy parts if you just want to read the guy endings. Simple.

Anyways, thank's so much for 10.K reads, and remember, I love you all!

Ciao!~ SisterWulf


(Y/n) stared ahead, lost in thought.



"Your father's on the phone."

Recovery Girl held out the device. (Y/n) gingerly took it from her grandmother's wizened hand and put it up to her ear.

"H-hello?" she sniffed.

"Hi Peanut." her father answered. He sounded tired and his voice was laced with concern. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm..." (Y/n) trailed off. A lump formed in her throat as she tried to give an answer.

"You know, you can always hop on a plane back home." (f/n) said. "I won't force you back home, but if you feel unsafe or if you're having more attacks, I might have to, okay hun?"

"I understand, dad." (Y/n) sighed. For a split second, she considered flying back to New York right there and then.

But she remembered the entire reason why she was at UA. Her grandmother chose her to be her successor. She saw great potential in her granddaughter for a reason. She couldn't give up on her dream this easily!

Plus, she had a promise to keep...

"I think I'm going to stay here for a little while longer. It was one time, and it hasn't happened for years now. If it does happen a lot more frequently, I'll fly back home." she replied.

Her father paused.

"Alright Peanut, I have to go. Please, stay safe, take a day off or something."

"I will dad. I love you."

"I love you too."

With a beep, the call ended.


"How is she?" Aizawa asked, leaning against the wall. Recovery Girl closed the door behind her with a click and walked over to the tired looking pro.

"She's alright now. What set her off?"

Aizawa ran a hand through his raven black hair.

"She woke Bakugo to stand on the podium, and he startled her. She fell off the podium, and he set off a few explosions. He had to be chained down, as you saw onstage." he sighed. Glancing down, he studied Recovery Girl's face, furrowed in thought.

"I see. Yes, I understand what caused her panic attack. Do you remember the Bakuhatsu Gang Incident four years ago?"

It suddenly clicked for Aizawa.

"She was there?"

Recovery Girl nodded solemnly.

"They found her in the rubble of the building among the bodies of the gang members, all dead. The poor girl was only ten at the time. After that, her father moved to New York to homeschool her himself when she was eleven. He was a doctor here in Japan, so he had enough money to support the move and their life across the seas. He occasionally takes jobs at the hospital nearby their house as well." she explained.

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