Chapter 38: Lunch Meetup

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(Y/n) hummed and bobbed her head along to the music streaming out of her headphones. Smiling at people walking by, she twirled to move out the way for construction men carrying a load of bricks. They waved at her and she grinned.

She matched her walk to the beat of the music and strutted down the street, doing a couple dance moves when she felt she needed to. Little kids pointed and stared, and (Y/n) smiled at them.

"Oi Mick Jagger! Quit the dancing and get over here!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes as she recognized the demanding voice of Katsuki. She slipped off her headphones and let them hang around her neck. Katsuki watched as she tousled her hair and fluffed it, as they had gotten tangled when the headphones were taken off. He averted his gaze as she caught him staring at her.

"What? Are my moves really that bad?" she stuck her tongue out at him. Kirishima had texted her yesterday asking if she wanted to have a study session with them.

"I think you were great (Y/n)." Kirishima complimented her.

"Thanks Kiri!" (Y/n) gave the redhead a quick hug. He wrapped his arms around and picked her up while she squealed in delight.

"Ah! Put me down!" she laughed. He grinned, showing off his sharp teeth. He set her down carefully and she giggled.

"Tch, just hurry up." Katsuki rolled his eyes and stepped into the restaurant.

"Hello, a table for how many?" a server asked. He wore the restaurant's uniform and his nametag read "Uwako".

"Just three please." (Y/n) smiled.

"May I ask your name?" Uwako said.


"Hmm, I recall another girl named (Y/n)." he smiled knowingly, glancing over at Katsuki. He scowled at the server. Katsuki didn't know why, but he didn't like the way he stared at him.

"Here's your table." Uwako handed them all menus and walked away to assist other guests.

"Alright, get your books out." Katsuki said, slouching back in his booth. (Y/n) sat across him with Kirishima. They both took out their school books, Kirishima his regular books and (Y/n) her medical books.

"What the hell is this?" Katsuki snatched the books out of her hands.

"If you would read the title, you would see it's a book of medical procedures. I need to study for my nurse's practical exam." (Y/n) huffed, snatching her book back. "I made sure to grab the Japanese one so you could quiz me."

"Hmph. Alright, first question..."

Katsuki switched between quizzing (Y/n) and quizzing Kirishima, occasionally whacking them on the head if they got an answer wrong.

"Ow! I don't know how you're getting most of these right." Kirishima winced, holding his head.

"I practiced this since I was small. My dad was a nurse here in Japan like my mom. They worked together so well." she explained.

"Oh, what happened?" Kirishima asked.

"Ah, my dad wanted to move to America, so I went with him. My mom's still here in Japan." (Y/n) explained. "I visit her everyday after school and have a chat." 

"Ah cool! Maybe we could stop by and say hi!" he exclaimed.

"Maybe another day." (Y/n) smiled.

"Hey! No talking with each other, we're supposed to be learning!" Katsuki smacked both of them again.

Uwako came back again with their drinks.

"Here is your drink my lady." he winked at (Y/n), who blushed at his comment.

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