Chapter 36

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     Hoseok based chapter

Hoseok went to the kitchen and started to boil the water to make tea for Jungkook. He felt bad because he could hear Jungkook let out some pained cry's every once in a while. One he was done making the tea he brought it to Taehyung's and Jungkook's bedroom. He saw Jungkook laying down and crying while Taehyung was running his hands through Jungkook's hair. Hoseok went up to where Jungkook was laying and squatted infront of him as he put the cup of tea on the bedside table. "Hey Kookie." Hoseok said then started to rub Jungkook's arm. "H-hey hyu-hyung." Jungkook was trebling as he looked up at his hyung.

"I brought some tea for you, I hope you fell better soon, okay. And sleep as much as you two want, I can take care of the five little bunnies for you." Hoseok said smiling as he looked at both pregnant males. "Thank y-you." Jungkook looked like he was getting in more pain so Hoseok got up and kissed Jungkook's forehead then left the room. Once Hoseok was out of the couples room he went and checked on all of the kids.

He saw that the triplets and twin were okay so he went back to his room and laid in bed, falling back to sleep.


The twins crying entered Hoseok's room so he immediately got up and went to the twins room. "Hello sweethearts, oh it's okay uncle hobi is here." Hoseok walked into the room and went over to the crib and picked up the 11 month old girls. "Are you two hungry? I bet you are." Hoseok said happily but also quite. He went into the kitchen and put the babies into their high chairs.

"Here are your guys milkies." Hoseok said with a happy high pitch voice as he shook the bottles in front of Hyuna and Jisso. "Now let's go and lay back down." he then picked the twins up and carried them back to their room. "And now here are your bottles, and I will see you two in about an hour or two." Hoseok said after he laid the twins down and gave them their bottles. He walked out of their room and went to the triplets room to see them all asleep still. He then went to his friends room just to make sure everything is good now.

He walked into the room and saw that Jungkook had his eyes opened as he was taking deep breaths with his hands on his baby bump. "Hey you okay kook?" He said in a whisper while quickly walking over to him. "Ah, it's just one of them kicked me. I am okay." Jungkook said after he looked up at Hoseok. Hoseok then leaned down and put a hand on Jungkook's baby bump, he started to rub it. "How much sleep have you gotten? You look really tired." Hoseok said and noticed that Jungkook was going back to sleep so he just kissed his forehead and walked back to his room to go back to sleep.


Hoseok put an alarm on his phone to wake up so he can go get the triplets. When he got to their room they were all awake so he walked over to their crib. "Hello buns, I have something to tell you then I will let you out. So mommy and daddy have been up all night long so we are going to let them sleep in. So that means no yelling, no fighting, no throwing things, and especially no going into mommy's and daddy's room, okay?" Hoseok asked and got three cute "otay"s back. Once Hoseok let them out they all walked to the living room where Hoseok turned on the tv and set them all on the couch. "Okay I am going to go make breakfast now so be quiet and don't go into mommy's and daddy's room, we don't want to wake them up or else they will be scary zombies." Hoseok said and in return he got three scared toddlers nodding quickly at him. He walked into the kitchen then started to make breakfast. Once he was done he quietly called the triplets to the table and helped them into their high chairs. "I am going to go get your guys baby sisters then I will give you all food. I will be right back." He then ran back to the twin room and picked them up out of their crib. He then carried them to the living room and put them in their baby swings.

It was around 11:30 when Taehyung walked out of his and his husband's room. "Hey Hoseok, did they behave?" Taehyung asked as he sat down next to Hoseok and the triplets on the couch. "Yes they did. And also after I gave the twins their first bottle I went to yours and Jungkook's room to make sure everything was okay and Jungkook was awake. But he was crying also so I went over to him and asked what was wrong and he said one of the twins kicked him."

"Yeah he has not been able to sleep much with those two rascals. I think they are starting to move upside down and move more down to get ready for birth. So they are probably really squished in there. I would say he will be giving birth in the next few weeks. And to be honest so will I." Taehyung said while he had a hand on his baby bump where baby soobin was still sleeping.

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