Chapter 34

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      Jungkook: 32 weeks pregnant with two boys

Taehyung: 29 weeks pregnant with one boy

Yeonjun:25 weeks old

Jin: 29 weeks pregnant with one boy

"Owie" Taegguk said as he fell while running to his parents room. He got up and started to walk to their room instead so he doesn't fall again. When he finally got there he quickly opened the door then ran and jumped on Jungkook's and Taehyung's bed. "Oof" Jungkook said as he immediately woke up from something landing right on his lap. Jungkook groaned in pain and held his baby bump where one of the twins just kicked him. Taehyung woke up from hearing Jungkook loudly groan in pain followed by little giggles. He look down and saw Taegguk jump off Jungkook and started to crawl to him.

"Well aren't you in a good mood?" Taehyung said to Taegguk then turned and saw Jungkook roll to his side. "Hey you okay?" Taehyung said as he put a hand on Jungkook's shoulder. "Yeah, one of the twins got mad at their brother and tried to kick him." Jungkook said in a playful voice as he was cutely glaring at Taegguk. Taegguk just smiled and went over to Jungkook and then started to pat Jungkook's baby bump. "Bruber?" Taegguk said and looked up at Jungkook then looked over to Taehyung.

"Yeah your brothers are in here, and mommy also has a brother in his tummy." Jungkook said and brushed the hair out of Taegguk's face. "Alright let's go get your siblings as daddy gets ready." Taehyung said and got up then picked Taegguk up and carried him out of the room. Once everyone was ready Taehyung made breakfast. After breakfast Taehyung sat all the kids on the couch and turned on the TV then went to go get ready.

The door bell rang and Jungkook yelled he'll get it. Jungkook opened the door and right infront of him was a smiling Yeonjun being held up by Jimin and Yoongi behind the two. "Oh hello guys, come in." Jungkook said and opened the door more to let the family of three walk in then closed the door. "Babe who was it?" You could hear Taehyung yell from inside the bedroom. "It's Jimin, Yoongi and Yeonjun." Jungkook yelled back and walked into the living room with the three following him. Taehyung then came out of the bedroom and said hi to his guest.

"Well Jin and Namjoon should be here shortly, Jin had an appointment." Yoongi said as he looked up from his phone and looked over at Taehyung who had Hyuna in his lap. "Alright, then after they and Hoseok get here we can start the movie." Jungkook said walking into the living room seeing Jimin and Taehyung talking to each other as Yoongi was sitting on the couch breastfeeding Yeonjun. "So how has the one baby life been, never lived it." Jungkook said sitting down next to Yoongi, making Jimin and Yoongi laugh as he got a death glare from Taehyung. "Sorry babe." Jungkook said to Taehyung.

"Your beautiful MAMA is here!!" Jin said when he busted through the front door. "Sorry about him." Namjoon said walking in after Jin and closing the door. "So where are your babies, well beside Hyuna." Jin said walking in. "Wel...." Taehyung was cut off by 4 different cry's. "And you woke them up." Jungkook said throwing his head back then trying to get up but couldn't so he just angrily sighs and try's again. After a minute he huffs and then started to whimper as he realizes that he can't get up.

Taehyung quickly stood up and went over to Jungkook and hugged him after he told Jimin to go calm his kids down and take Hyuna away with him. "Shh it's okay Kookie." Taehyung says to Jungkook. "No it's not ~whimpers~ I can't even get up now because off my tummy. It's too big" Jungkook says then looks down at his tummy and rubbed it where he felt a really strong kick. "Ouch" Jungkook says quietly but Taehyung herd him. "Shhh it's okay it'll be over soon baby." Taehyung said after he moved Jungkook's hand and rubbed where the baby kicked.

"Do you want to go lay down in bed? No one will care if you want to, they will understand." Taehyung had quality whispered into Jungkook's ear as he ran his hands through Jungkook's hair, trying to calm him down. Jungkook only nodded into Taehyung's neck. "Okay baby, I'll help you up or we can have Namjoon carry you to our bed if you feel like you can't walk. Witch one do you want." Taehyung asked Jungkook, as the pregnant male was still crying on his shoulder. "My back really hurts, can you please ask Namjoon to carry me, and can you get a heating pad to put on my back so I can take a nap." Jungkook said in between sniffles. "Of course baby" Taehyung said then kissed Jungkook's forehead. "Hey Namjoon, can you please carry Jungkook to our bed. He says his back is really hurting so I don't want to make him walk and I can't necessarily carry him." Taehyung said looking over to Namjoon who just got up and went over to Jungkook. When he picked Jungkook up Jungkook cried out in pain and held onto Namjoon's neck. "I'll get you that heating pad okay baby, and Namjoon you can just put him on the bed." Taehyung said then went to go get the heating pad.

After Taehyung got everything he went into his and Jungkook's bedroom and saw Jungkook laying on his side as he had a hand pressed to his back. "Hey baby, you feeling any better?" Taehyung asked when he got on his knees next to Jungkook and put the heating pad where Jungkook's hand was previously. "Not really, my back his killing me and the twins won't stop kicking me." Jungkook said as he then moved his hand to his baby bump.

"I am sorry baby. You only have 6-10 weeks left and you won't have to worry about moving to much because you will have a home birth, but I think it's best if we put you on bed rest since you are in so much pain." Taehyung said while playing with Jungkook's hair. "But will you be okay with taking care of 5 babies, I mean you are also pregnant TaeTae." Jungkook said then after put his hand on Taehyung's baby bump, lightly rubbing it. "I will be okay Jungkook, just rest okay. And if I ever do need help we can call Hose.." Taehyung gets cut off by the door bell.

Down the hall you can hear the door open and a series of hello's being said. "And speaking of the devil, but anyways just rest up Jungkook. I will come every 30 minutes to check on you or if you need anything just yell okay?" Taehyung said to Jungkook who had his eyes closed. "Okay." Jungkook said tiredly. "I am going to go now and hang out with the guys. Don't hesitate to yell if you need something." Taehyung said then kissed Jungkook's forehead once and kiss his baby bump twice. "And you two be good for daddy, he is in pain because of you two so settle down." Taehyung whispered to Jungkook's baby bump and almost immediately the two baby boys stop kicking. When Taehyung got to the living room he sat down on the couch next to all his friends. "So what's wrong with Jungkook?" Hoseok asked once he saw Taehyung sitting down, after he said that everyone looked at Taehyung also. "Well his back has been hurting him lately and the twins have been kicking him quite a lot lately. Like just the other night he woke up crying because one of the twins kicked him so hard. So I told him it was best if he went on bed rest since he only has 6-10 weeks left of his pregnancy." Taehyung said as he lend back and put a hand on his growing baby bump. "What about you though, you are also pregnant and have five children to take care of alone now." Hoseok asked what everyone was wanting to ask. "Well I feel like I can because this is the best I have felt with all of my pregnancy's, and even if I need help I know you guys will." Taehyung said smiling at everyone then looked down at his baby bump after he felt a kick on his hand. "You know we will Tae." Jimin said as he had his arm wrapped around Yoongi who was holding a sleeping Yeonjun in his hands. "Thank you." Taehyung whispered but everyone herd. "Your welcome Taehyung." Everyone quietly said back so they don't wake up any of the kids or Jungkook. "Now how about we start this movie." Jin said which made everyone smile and nod.

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