Chapter 19

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The triplets are now almost 1 years old. Taehyung and Jungkook have become very good at parenting with each other now that it's been almost 1 year. The first thing Taehyung woke up to were three high pitched squeals then laughter, so he opened his eyes and watched as Jungkook played with the crawling toddlers that were on the bed in front of Jungkook. Jungkook looked up when he heard Taehyung laughing as he then realized Taehyung was awake. "Good morning!" Taehyung said after Jungkook kissed him. "Good morning mama!" All three toddlers said in baby language, then jumping onto Taehyung.

"Aren't you little ones crazy this morning, huh?" Taehyung said as he tickled the closes triplet to him, which happened to be Taemin. "MAMAAAAAAAAAA! STOOOOOOP!" Taemin laughed as Taehyung tickled him. "Okay, okay, mama. I think that's enough, how about we all go and eat some breakfast." Jungkook laughed as he watched Taehyung tickle their little boy as he screamed, laughing. "Yeah. Okay kids follow your daddy and I will be there in a second." Taehyung said then Jungkook gave him a worried look as they all walked out of the room to the kitchen together, but Taehyung just waved him off and told him to go.

Taehyung sat there as he felt sick so he went to the bathroom and sat in front of the toilet just incases he threw up. Jungkook was worried about Taehyung so as soon as he gave the triplets their food he ran as fast as he could back to his and Taehyung's room. He saw that Taehyung was in the bathroom so he sped walked into the bathroom. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jungkook said as he squatted down next to Taehyung and bushed the hair out of Taehyung's face. "I'm okay, I am just felling a little sick is all." Taehyung said looking back to Jungkook then turning back to the toilet as he threw up.

After a while Taehyung stopped throwing up so Jungkook picked him up and laid Taehyung on their bed. "Jungkook this might sound stupid but do you think I could be pregnant again?" Taehyung asked as he looked up at Jungkook with tears in his eyes. "You better not be." Jungkook said sounding harsh, making Taehyung flinch at his sudden outburst. "Jungkook if I was it wouldn't be my fault, it takes two people to make a baby." Taehyung said as tears started coming down his face, looking down at his lap.

"Well I'm just not ready to have another baby, okay." Jungkook said then walked out of the room slamming the door. Taehyung just pulled the covers over him self as he cried harder into the pillow his head was on, soon exhausting him self out and falling asleep. Jungkook knew that it wasn't right to yell at Taehyung but he just wasn't ready for another life to look after as he already has five to take care of, including him self.

For weeks Taehyung and Jungkook wouldn't talk. Well more like Jungkook was avoiding Taehyung. Jungkook would go to one of the guests' bedrooms right after they were done with dinner. With in those weeks every night Taehyung put the triplets to bed alone, slept alone, and did everything alone. He felt so alone and mistreated every time he tried to talk to Jungkook and Jungkook would just cut him off by walking away. During the weeks Taehyung keeped throwing up and having head aches with stomach pains, so he knew he was definitely pregnant. He was so afraid to tell Jungkook, as he thought he would leave him and the triplets alone also, the unborn child Taehyung was carrying, to support their own life's and live with out Jungkook.

At the end of the few weeks, when Taehyung found out he was pregnant he cried so much that he passed out on the floor. Taegguk later found him and started crying as he ran to his father yelling that his mom was on the floor in the bathroom, not responding. Jungkook immediately ran to the bathroom as fast as he could to get to his husband. Once he found his husbands unconscious body he dropped to his knees and pulled Taehyung's motionless body into his lap. "I am so sorry baby, it's all my fault you ended up like this. Look at you, you are so skinny, I bet you haven't ate very good in the weeks I ignored you. I am so sorry baby." Jungkook started crying as he tried to wake Taehyung up.

After trying for a couple of minutes, Jungkook kisses his forehead then picked Taehyung up and laid him down in their bed. Immediately after he called the emergency room to tell them he is on his way with his unconscious husband. After he hung up he grabbed his three triplets and put them in the car and buckled them into their seats. He ran back to Taehyung and ran to the car and put Taehyung in the passenger seat, then ran to the door closing and locking it.

Jungkook got into the car and started driving to the hospital with tears still falling down his face while he held the still motionless Taehyung's hand in his. There thankfully wasn't a lot of traffic so Jungkook got there quick.

Nurses were waiting out front with a stretcher, so as soon as they saw Jungkook's speeding car they got ready. Once Jungkook came to a stop in front of them they opened the door which they could see the unconscious Taehyung through the window.

Jungkook got out of the car and unbuckled the triplets, then setting them down on the ground. After they got Taehyung onto the stretcher the nurses started running into the hospital with Jungkook and the triplets running after them.

"I am sorry sir but you can not come into this room. Please sit in those chairs-" one of the nurses talking then paused and pointed to three chairs in front of the room Taehyung was just rushed into. "- We will tell you when we know what is going on. If I can ask you, if you don't mind me asking, do you know what might have cause this?" The nurse said then looked over at Jungkook who was still crying and looked to be in deep thoughts.

"Jungkook do you think I could be pregnant?" Taehyung's voice rang in Jungkook's head as he looked up to the nurses. "H-he might be pre-pregnant." Jungkook said as he felt so guilty that this could al be his fault.

Dedicated to @carmenbernardez1

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