Chapter 26

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*Involves breast feeding*

Taehyung is now 8 months pregnant with the twins. Yoongi and Jimin told everyone they were expecting a little boy 3 weeks ago. Jungkook has put Taehyung on bed rest a couple weeks ago seeing how Taehyung could barely even walk on his own.

Jungkook woke up and ran to the triplets room even despite feeling like absolute shit. He was running to their room because he herd Taemin crying. He opened the door and as fast as he could he grabbed Taemin and went to the living room so he doesn't wake up his brother or sister. When he sat down he laid Taemin on his chest as Taemin's head laid on his shoulder.

He rubbed Taemin's back till his cry's subsided to just a few sniffles and whimpers. "Hey your okay, what's wrong my minmin?" Jungkook said as he was now rocking a little as he still rubbed Taemin's back. "Feel icky(sick)" Taemin said as he looked up at His father. "Oh I a-." Jungkook was caught off guard when he saw Taehyung walk in. "Hey what's going on." Taehyung asked then sat down and pulled Taemin to him as Taemin was whining for his mama. "He says he feels sick, and I also do. But I don't know what to do, I don't want to give him medicine because he is only one years old." Jungkook said as he leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he looked at Taemin as he brushed the hair out of his little eyes.

"I am sorry my babies, Jungkook you can take medicine and I still breast feed the triplets sometimes so I will just do that because breast milk has nutritions that will help with him to get over being sick." Taehyung says as he still holds Taemin close to him. "Do you want me to get you anything while I go to the kitchen to get medicine?" Jungkook asked as he got up as Taehyung started to position Taemin so he can feed him. "Maybe a smoothie." Taehyung said as he pulled his shirt up and have Taemin latch on. Jungkook nodded and walked away as Taehyung breast fead Taemin while rubbing his back.

"I am sorry you feel sick my baby." Taehyung said as he watched Taemin's eyes fluttered open and closed as he suckled. Jungkook came back and put a smoothie on the table in front of Taehyung. Taemin fell asleep so Taehyung pulled down his shirt but, still kept Taemin close to him. "Let's get you four to our bed and I will get the other bunnies so we can just have a cuddle day." Jungkook said which Taehyung agreed to so Jungkook helped him up as he was 8 months pregnant and has a one year old in his arms.

Once Jungkook helped Taehyung back into bed he went and got Jina and Taegguk. He got them breakfast then went to his and Taehyung's room. "I got two more bunnies." Jungkook said then kissed the kids in his hands cheeks as they giggled. He then placed Jina and Taegguk on the bed and they crawled over too Taehyung and kissed him good morning.

They watched TV but then Taemin woke up fussing then pushed his face in Taehyung's neck. "Your okay baby, Jungkook help me sit up so I can feed him." Taehyung said then Jungkook got up and helped him sit with his back against the headboard of the bed. Taehyung then pulled his shirt up and let Taemin latch on and put his hand on Taehyung's chest next to his face. "You will feel better soon." Taehyung said as he watched Taemin suckle while he was patting his but. "Is bruber icky?" Taegguk said and looked up at Jungkook then looked over to Taehyung. "Yes he is sick." Jungkook said then kissed Taegguk's forehead.

After awhile Taemin fell back asleep so Taehyung laid him next to him. "How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked as he lifted Taehyung's shirt then rubbed his very pregnant belly. Taegguk and Jina went back to their rooms awhile ago so it was just Taehyung, Jungkook, and a sleeping Taemin. "I feel very tired and my baby bump is so sore." Taehyung said as he laid back down beside Taemin as Jungkook was still rubbing his baby bump. "You can go back to sleep, I am going to go back to sleep because I can hear that our other two bunnies are asleep." Jungkook said as he laid down then started rubbing Taehyung's baby bump again. "Okay." Taehyung said then closed his eyes.

Two hours later Jungkook woke up to Jina and Taegguk jumping on the bed which made Taehyung and Taemin wake up. As Taemin got scared and still didn't feel well he started crying. Jungkook picked him up and told Taehyung to go back to sleep then took the triplets to their room that had their toys that they can play with. There was a rocking chair in the corner so Jungkook sat in it and started to rock Taemin back to sleep. Once Taemin fell asleep he went and laid him back down with a sleeping Taehyung. He went to the kitchen and started making lunch for him and his family.

The rest of the day went the same as Taehyung stayed in bed with Taemin all day and Jungkook taking care of Jina and Taegguk.

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