Chapter 25

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Next few weeks were a little hard on Taehyung but he got through it with Jungkook's help. He had the morning sickness, the back pain, the sore chest, just all of it. The triplets tried to help the best they can with what they were asked to do. They behaved when they weren't even told to, they just knew that Taehyung was in pain. Every time they saw Taehyung in pain Jungkook explained that it was so their baby sisters could be born, so the triplets behaved so they wouldn't cause trouble.

"Jungkook wake up" Taehyung whisper shouted while tapping Jungkook's chest at 2:37 am. "Yes baby" Jungkook whispered back turning to face Taehyung, not even opening his eyes because of how tired he was. "Can you please see what is poking my stomach, I can't see over it and I don't fell anything on top of it." Taehyung said with tears in his eyes because of his hormones. "Yeah." Jungkook said tiredly as he reached over and turned on the bed said lamp. He got on his knees and looked at Taehyung stomach. He then lifted Taehyung's shirt over Taehyung's baby bump and looked at the skin.

"I don't see anything baby." Jungkook said but none the less started to run his hands around Taehyung's baby bump. Suddenly he felt a poke to his hands. "Oh TaeTae the babies are moving is all." Jungkook said as he leans over and kissed Taehyung's forehead while rubbing where one of the babies kicked. "Really?!" Taehyung said as he tried to sit up but failed. "Here just give me your hand." Jungkook then took Taehyung's hand and placed it on his baby bump where he had felt the kicking. They waited a few seconds then felt it again.

After a few minutes they fell back to sleep with smiles on their faces. When they woke up they both got up and walked into the kitchen still in their pjs and saw the triplets sipping on apple juice while talking to each other, well what Taehyung and Jungkook thought their back and forth gibberish was. "What are my little bunnies doing." Taehyung said happily, which made the toddlers screech then smile over at their parents. Jungkook told Taehyung to sit down with the kids as he went to go make breakfast.

After they had their breakfast they all got in swim suits and went out back to the pool. They all splashed around in the water then Jungkook and Taehyung decided to invite the rest of the guys so Jungkook got out of the pool and texted the rest of the guys to come over and have a fun time. Once everyone got there, Namjoon and Seokjin jumped right in the pool. Jimin whispered something to Yoongi which made him pout and cross his arms as he sat down on one of the lawn chairs.

Jimin walked over to the pool where Jungkook was with Taehyung. "Hey Jungkook can I talk to you?" Jimin said to which Jungkook nodded then got out of the pool. They walked over to somewhere where no one can hear them. "What's up?" Jungkook said while he keeped his eyes on Taehyung as he smiled. "Do you have any bubble wrap?" Jimin said which made Jungkook give him a weird  look. "Can I ask for what?" Jungkook said. "Well we were going to tell you all next week but, Yoongi is pregnant. It's just I don't want him or the baby to get hurt so I need bubble wrap." Jimin said giving Jungkook a serious face as he look back and forth to him and Yoongi.

Jungkook started laughing then put both of his hands on Jimin's shoulders. "Dude you need to chill, he won't get hurt. I mean just look at my 7 month pregnant husband, he is fine isn't he. And also when he was pregnant with the triplets we basically lived in that pool. Trust me Yoongi will be fine." Jungkook said as he had stoped laughing but was whipping the tears off his face from laughing so hard. Jimin said thanks then walked over to Yoongi who looked mad but then happy as he made his way over to the pool then got in with Jimin behind him.

"What did Jimin want?" Taehyung said while smiling at Jungkook. "It's a surprise made by Jimin and Yoongi. Don't worry you will find out next week." Jungkook said as he back hugged Taehyung. Taehyung leaned back into Jungkook's touch as they both put their hands on Taehyung's baby bump. They sat there while talking and smiling for every time  they felt the babies kicked. "This is amazing, thank you so much for giving me a life to be worth living while raising our own kids." Jungkook said then kissed Taehyung's shoulders as he carefully tighten his hold on Taehyung.

Everyone had gotten out of the pool and dried off then went inside. Namjoon suggested they get take out so that no one have to make lunch. Everyone agreed to the idea so they ordered pizza and as they waited they watched movies and played with the triplets. Once the pizza arrived everyone started to eat as they all laughed with each other telling random stories from their school days.

After everyone left and Taemin, Jina, and Taegguk were in bed, Taehyung and Jungkook snuggled close to each other in their bed while watching a movie. They were giggling as Taehyung would put a peace of popcorn on his baby bump just to have it to been kicked away by one of the twins. Taehyung fell asleep so Jungkook laid him down properly then turned off the lights and tv before he got into bed next to Taehyung. Jungkook kissed Taehyung's forehead then went down to his baby bump where he lifted Taehyung's shirt and pressed to kisses on it. He then wrapped his arms around Taehyung and fell asleep so after.

High school romance (mpreg)[finished]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang