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Psalm 8:1-2

O Lord, our Lord, Your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. You have taught children and infants to tell of your strength, silencing Your enemies and all who oppose You.

Psalm 8 is kind of difficult for me to write about. It just is, I'm not sure why. However, it's very important to read because it have something valuable to teach us. 1) God is so awesome and 2) just how much God owns and that is literally EVERYTHING. Its hard to wrap my mind around that truth but its still truth.

God owns everything on this earth and literally, everything on earth and in the galaxy tells us there is a God and that He is real. Everything speaks of God, trembling, waiting for Him to return like He said He will. Mentally, there's been a battle simmering in my mind, the enemy been trying to trip me up and get me to question God – doubt God.

The weird thing is, the enemy uses the old trick, saying "If God is real then why can't you see proof?" but he doesn't realize that THERE IS PROOF THAT GOD IS REAL!


David knew this, that is why he wrote the psalms. In verse two, it even says God taught children and infants to tell us of His strength! I know kids are a wonder, something only God could make because how else is a woman able to get pregnant, blow up like a giant balloon, and then birth out another human being? And kids are used by Jesus as example of faith for Christians.

"To enter the kingdom of God, you must be like a child." He was speaking of the child's pure heart and faith. A child believes and is stubborn in their faith, something we Christians should be! They're also not that good at lying (They try though) which means we should stink at doing bad too.

David goes on to say in verse 3-5 "When I look at the night sky and see the moon and the stars you set in place – What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet You made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor."

I wish I could have seen the sky the way David seen. He got to see the milky way in its fullness – see how bright those stars must have shone, some maybe more than others. I bet it looked like a giant blanket of snow that never falls. Maybe it'll be prettier than what I seen in movies. I don't think I ever seen the night sky the way David did.

You can't really see much when you're in the city. The streetlights prevents any hope of seeing the sky realm. I bet its pretty though and painted for David a great view of just how big and in control God is. He put the stars into place, set the moon at the perfect distance from the earth so we wouldn't drown when it pulled on the ocean.

The bible even tells me that God calls each star by name. He gave them names and these are countless stars to us! God is amazing to make, name, and then remember all those stars names!

Yet, look at the next line. "What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet You made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor."

God loves you.
The God who put the sun in place to warm the earth, who made time, who painted the night sky with countless stars – who put fun surprises in plain places (pearls from clams; diamonds from coal; love in the heart; etc) Who dressed the land with beautiful plants, He made you too.

And He loves you.

Us just waking up today is God reminding us that He loves us and wants a relationship with us. If you haven't yet, please give your life to God. That's the best decision you'll ever make. Life is short and death doesn't respect age, gender, situation. One day, we will say bye to this world and we'll all stand before God in the next for judgement.

That's why He wants you saved now. So that way you won't go to hell. He loved You so much, he made Jesus, his only Son, the sacrifice for our sins. He sent Christ here and He died on the cross, pouring His precious blood for our atonement. Then God the Father raised God the Son from the dead, defeating sin and death. He extends His salvation to all who will take it.

Please take it.

Father God,

I just want to say thank You for showing me personally Your wonderful works and how awesome You are to have placed the earth in a way to sustain us, provide for us, and house us for now. Thank You also for Your saving grace that comes through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins, the ones I know very well and the ones I do not yet see. I thank You that You saved me Jesus, changed me, and helping me to walk in that change. Father, I pray that this devotional would be acceptable in Your sight and that someone will get use out of it. I pray God for that person whose on the edge, who is standing a foot in believing and a foot in unsure. I pray, God You would open their minds and hearts and help them to step into faith. To take that step to welcome You and accept You as their personal Lord and savior. I pray for those who laugh at this or scoff. Father, soften their hearts and help them to understand Your gospel. I also pray for blessings for them, that they will have good things come their way but that they would come to accept You into their hearts as well. God, I love You, and thank You for loving us first and more. In Jesus name, amen.

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