Asking God for Wisdom.

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1Kings 3:9-10
So give your servant and understanding mind to govern your people, so I can discern between good and evil. Otherwise, how will I be able to govern this great people of yours?"

The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this, so God told him: "Because you have asked for this, and didn't ask for a long life for yourself, and you didn't ask for the lives of your enemies, but instead you've asked for discernment so you can understand how to govern, look how I'm going to do precisely what you asked. I'm giving you a wise and discerning mind, so that there will have been no one like your before you and no one will arise after you like you. I'm also giving you what you haven't requested: both riches and honor, so that no other king will be comparable to you during your lifetime, If you will live life my way, keeping my statutes and my commands, just like your father David did, I'll also increase the length of your life."

Father, we need a word from you today. I need Your truth, God, because I'm a mess without you and my eyes get blurry way too easily. I'm even messing up on typing as we speak. Speak to my heart God, show me what You want me to know and like Solomon, God, please give me discernment and wisdom to tackle this day ahead. God, thank You for waking me up and blessing me with another day. Thank You that the past is the past and has no more hold on me today and thank You God that if something doesn't go the way I want it to, everything is in Your Holy hand and You are a faithful God who cares for His sheep. In Jesus name, amen.

God wants us to ask Him for His wisdom in our lives. It's plain to see right here. Solomon had a big job – the man became king over a whole nation which meant people looked up to him – other countries will either want to do business with him or attack him. Being a leader isn't just sitting down and ordering people around like they make it seem in movies. The leaders has to make the decisions for their people.

The other night I was watching 'restaurant impossible'. If nobody knows what that show is about – this famous chef goes to barely-hanging-in-there restaurants to fix the building, train the staff, and train the owner and managers how to run their business. The episode I was watching, the waiters were rude to the customers and when the host confronted them about it, the waiters pointed out that they don't care because their manager don't care.

They were following the leader's example.

Then I come to last night, at work. We got swamped with guests or people wanting to cancel their memberships. Somehow, my two friends got into a conversation about how everyone in the store were like children. "We get paid to babysit." They said.

That statement stood out to me and as I looked at myself and my coworkers, we followed the example of our leaders. In the end, we're sheep just waiting to be told what to do and at the same time, we're care-givers that's looking out for others.

What are the things you guys work in and/or situation you guys find yourselves in your lives. It may not be the exact thing like Solomon but we have the similar things. Maybe some one is struggling to navigate school or you might be in customer service and dealing with rude people. You might be like me, and struggling to understand the new policies of your company as well as wanting to learn the ropes at the front desk so next time you're put at front and people crowd you, you won't look like a complete fish out of water.

Sorry, trauma there.

Somehow, I use to think I should ask God for only big, important, things but then I learned that I can ask God for small things like "God, please protect my bike. Don't let it get stolen, Lord, and thank You." But as I read this text of truth (the bible) I come to realize two things:

1) I need God and His guidance every single day of my life.

2) God is pleased when we ask Him for discernment and wisdom.

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