Our future

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You know it's so interesting how when I get depressed or sour about myself and life - my vision of the future gets cloudy. It gets hard to see myself having a future. When I was younger, I honestly never saw myself living past the age of 18 or 19. Sounds morbid but that what just how I saw things. Even though I was working towards a future I wanted at the time - I didn't actually see myself living long enough to get there. Sometimes it gets like that again but not as often anymore. Sometimes I feel so useless and messy that fear and doubt clouds my future and God has to remind me that HE'S the one who is giving me a future and it will come to pass. My future will not be taken from me unless I forfeit it but I will NOT give up my future! That's my future and I know that my God is faithful to bring me to the future. Look at Ruth - she's one of my favorite characters from the bible and her story is amazing because even though she probably couldn't see it then, God was leading her to a bright future. Every step was ordained and decided before she even took that step. It wasn't mere coincidence and that encourages me because I know that when I ask God for direction and help, He'll do it. I need to relax on myself sometimes because before I would freak out and question everything only to lose my opportunities. So what if I ask God for help and not worry about it? That doesn't mean to say to just ignore everything else but it does mean do not worry so much and try your best to live life God's way. What I am learning is to ask God for direction in everything, especially in conversations because I struggle inviting Him in that area. And to be loving - like Ruth who wouldn't leave her mother-in-law's side even if it meant having a hard life. The girl left her own family for Naomi - to a life of widowhood and poverty I might add. Then she had to work to provide food for her mother-in-law and herself. That's loyalty. That kind of friendship is beautiful to see.

What I do wanna say though that if you feel compelled to talk to someone about God or praying, please do it. That or maybe just give a compliment to someone if you feel compelled to - it could be there only glimpse of God they see all day. But living life God's way is in everyday situations, especially the small ones. Loving those around us, even if our coworkers give us a hard time or our families made our blood boil. Forgiving someone who wronged us and instead of getting revenge - we feed them if they are hungry or give them water for their thirst. It's about treating people how we treat ourselves...allowing God's light to shine through us.

If you are lost, ask God for help but remember to keep taking steps forward. And if you are struggling, that's ok. There's nothing wrong with you and you are learning on this journey so don't give up. I mess up a lot of times too and I'm still learning, but we can't give up.

We have a future God promised to us and He is faithful to take us there. It's a process. God bless you. 

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