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Psalm 42:8-11
By day, the Lord shows His faithful love, and at night - a prayer for the God of my life. I say to God, my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why must I suffer this sadness that my enemies have brought me?" Their constant insults are killing me. They never stop asking, "Where is your God?"

Why am I so sad?
Why am I so upset?
I tell myself, "Wait for God's help! You will again be able to praise Him, your God the one who will save you."

John 10:14-18
"I am the shepherd who cares for the sheep. I know my sheep just as the Father knows me. And my sheep know me just as I know the Father. I give my life for these sheep. I have other sheep too. They are not in this flock here. I must lead them also. They will listen to my voice. In the future there will be one flock and one shepherd. The Father loves me because I give my life. I give my life so that I can get it back again. No one takes my life away from me. I give my own life freely. I have the right to give my life, and I have the right to get it back again. This is what the Father told me."

These days are sad ones. It's funny how things can seem so normal in our lives yet all around us, tragedies happen. Racism is at a ridiculous high - children are killing themselves. People take advantage of a movement and riots in the streets. Things are in chaos and a part of me really wants to be in control right now.

If I'm honest, I really want God to put a stop to all of this sadness. A part of me wants to go back to where things made sense and I could numb my mind to these events...but I know to turn a blind eye would be wrong. To numb my heart would be to write people off and God doesn't write people off. So neither will I.

Which is why I'm grateful for how God replies to me: Psalm 42:8-11 says that by day, God shows His faith love even when we think we're forgotten or unreachable or dirty or see the world in this state. God is still with us and we need to tell ourselves that because in these times, the enemy taunts us, making us doubt God.

"Their constant insults are killing me. They never stop asking, "Where is your God?"

I know I'm not the only one that gets attacked with that. The enemy tries to distract us and get us to doubt God's goodness and Sovereignty with that aged old argument, "If God is so good, why is there so much pain in this world. Why does the wicked win?"

Habakkuk asked God that same thing and God replied that it may seem that the wicked are winning. The world may be chaotic but that is not the end of the story. The wicked are being prepared for destruction. Their end is certain.

That's why the bible stresses so much to get right with God: Accept Jesus before its too late. Don't envy the world and its ways - run to God instead!

Jesus said that He is the good shepherd. He cares for us, His sheep, and laid down His very life for us. The image that pops in my mind reading that is David. I picture David because when he volunteered to fight Goliath, he told Saul of how he had to protect his father's sheep: He killed a bear and lion to protect the flock of sheep.

Jesus is the perfect shepherd: when we get lost, he brings us back, looking for us, and protects us from predators (the enemy), who prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to eat. Which is why Christ protects us and had to give His life for us, so that we could have life.

"The Father loves me because I give my life. I give my life so that I can get it back again. No one takes my life away from me. I give my own life freely. I have the right to give my life, and I have the right to get it back again. This is what the Father told me."

Jesus always told his disciples what must happen to Him when he was on earth. Clear as day, Jesus told them "I'm going to die but in three days, I'll be raised from the dead." and in here, Jesus tells the people that nobody can take His life. Nobody can kill Jesus but Christ freely allowed His own death to save us. To set us free from sin and hell. God, the Father gave Christ the right to do this: It was the Father's plan to save us.

All of us human beings are hell bound but when we accept Christ, our destination changes. Because we become HIS sheep and His sheep knows His voice. We believe and know deep down that Jesus Christ is the Son of God - that His sacrifice was enough to save us and make us new. In Him, we are new creations: our past have been burned and we have a new life and a future that's bound to heaven now.

That same thing is offered to everyone and those who have ears to hear will come. God's calling people and those people can't ignore the pull or questions. They can't just sit idly by and more and more they'll want to know God and who He is. They will come and want to put their trust and lives in Christ and it will be beautiful. 

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