July 14, 2017: Pick me upper!

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Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns:

  July 14, 2017: Discouragement will take you down to the depths, so you must lift yourself up by trusting in Me, says the Lord. Refocus your thoughts and energy to spiritual realities that will strengthen your faith and your resolve. My purpose for you is victory and not defeat. Psalm 42:11 Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God.  

Before we start, let us say a quick prayer.
Father God Almighty, 
My heart feels heavy and my body hurts...I feel discouraged and I'm not really sure if others are feeling this way but You see them like You see me. You know their own personal pain and the disappointment that cuts through their own hearts like You see mine. You gave me this, an encouragement that I am forever grateful for. God, use me to write through the pain, use my hands to write for Your glory and give You praise everlasting. God, be with us today and minister to our hearts, comfort us and remind us that You ARE in control and that You are with us even through the pain. Remind us of You great and everlasting love that at times, just makes no sense. Remind us of Your goodness and Your promises and give us the strength to stand in the waves of doubt and discouragement; surround us with Your shield of faith and remind us of Your blessings that never gets withheld from us. I ask all this as I put my hope in You, in Jesus Holiest and awesome name, amen. 

Disappointment...it's like a sickness isn't it? It starts out as just a tickle of throat, nothing major but as the day goes on and we ignore it, it grows into something big and painful. Next thing we know, we're on our bed with a high fever, chills, and crying from the pain in our organs and joints...it's so cold and we just want the pain to stop, to go away. If you are like me, it gets really lonely laying in the bed and no one is around to take care of you. Of course, they don't seem to realize how bad you really are; how much it feels like your heart is ripping in your chest and at that moment, you can barely smile but you have to. A lot of people have disappointment in their lives, too much for you to go and cry to them right? You have to be the big person; the strong one even if it means no one will be there for you... It's suffocating isn't it?

I went to sleep last night, discouraged and depressed, angry at myself but this morning, my friend Millie (God bless her!) sent me another Marsha Burns prophecy. It's just amazes me how much it speaks to me whenever I'm going through something or before a storm comes my way. God always gives me advice through them and I am grateful for the advice and encouragement and reminders that He gives me.

It's like when He encouraged Elijah when Elijah was in the cave; he won a big victory but because of the wicked Queen threat to kill him, Elijah ran and hid in a cave. He was discouraged and depressed because to him, no one seemed to be on his side. It looked like there was just no true believers and followers of God (Christ) and he was the only one facing the world. God told Elijah this "Yet I reserved seven thousand in Israel -- all whose knees have not bowed down to baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him." (1 kings 19:18)

Isn't that encouraging? 
When our heart pulls and breaks itself, God is our comforter and holds us so sweetly, waiting for our spirits to quiet down and listen to Him, to remember He is holding us and we are not alone at all. We can look for God in many places. In the powerful wind that tore mountains apart, in the earthquake, or in the fire...we might not see Him but then, that gentile whisper comes...the whisper that we can't just seem to ignore, the one that encourages us and pushes us to keep walking despite the pain and heartbreak. 

It reminds us of God's love and goodness and that we are not alone. It reminds us that we have God on our side and that He gives us victory! He reminds us that we also have a family, the believers of Christ, to go to and share the pain and joy with them: fellowship!

So let this be a round of praise and thanksgiving for all that God does for us and even more, for who God is!

God is the one who sits on the throne in Heaven and also blesses us greatly: he cares for the orphans and the brokenhearted. He is the one that knows our pain personally and even when we can't feel Him near us, God is right by our side, wiping our tears and hugging us as we cry in pain. He's the faithful boyfriend/husband every girl dreams of: someone understanding and patient, able to handle our craziness and tantrums. He is the perfect Father that sons need, someone who guides them and teaches them (all of us) right from wrong. The Father we can talk to about anything and even though He disciplines us, it is because He loves us as His own legitimate kids. He calls us His treasured possession; supplying us with all our needs to have victory over the enemy and the world. He takes away our rags and gives us a white robe, claiming us as clean and forgiven. He keeps us alive and takes us home when it is our time to sleep until His Son, Jesus Christ comes back to gather us together. God is the eternal rock; the awesome God Almighty that formed us in our mother's womb. He's the loving God that His love can't be fully understood and He invites us to Himself to experience such joy and peace and relationship with Him. God blesses us with His love, His strength. His joy, His peace, His patience, and endurance so that we too can show others God's love and amazingness! God gave us to His Son Jesus Christ who sits at His right hand and it is God's will that we do not drown and stay in our brokenness, our pain and our suffering. It is God's will that we succeed; God told Jesus that it is His will that Christ lose NOT EVEN ONE OF THOSE GIVEN TO HIM. 

So let's cheer up!
Wipe these tears unless they are from happiness and joy!

Be encouraged oh my soul.
For God Almighty sees you and know everything.

He loves you and wants you.
Why else would he sacrifice His beloved Son, Jesus Christ?

Be encouraged and put you hope in God.

Father God:

Thank You for the encouragement You give so graciously and for holding us in Your arms as we go through seasons of pain. God Almighty, my God and my savior and comfort: Please heal those who are inflicted, be it spiritually or mentally or physically or all in one. Comfort their hearts and carry them in this time of sadness. In Jesus Christ Holiest name, amen. 


And for the rest of you, psalms are a really great pick me upper and I encourage you to please read 1 Kings chapter 19. Be blessed my friends and let us focus on all God does for us. Cheer up!

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