Plow our hearts (4/23/2020)

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Hosea 10:12
Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until He comes and showers His righteousness on you.

Before my mother died, my grandma and grandpa told me that she thirsted for God. That she couldn't get enough of God's truth in her. Her heart was soft, the soil fertile for the seeds of truth to seep down and grow. What I always heard of her was that she was kind. A type of person that everyone loved and speaks fondly of to this day. Despite my mixed feelings about her, one thing I know for sure – she loved God deeply and her actions in the end proved it.

Her heart was the kind God looks for in His people.
A heart completely surrendered to Him and full of love.

A plowed heart.

So many of us, I speak for myself mostly, our hearts aren't as soft or selfless. I've seen Christians who rather fight with people than sow seeds of love. I, myself, have been there. I think that sometimes we fall into the mentality that since we are saved, we don't have to change because we're clean now. That or we get into the mentality of having to be perfect. There's two extremes.

This is the time though to get out of the complacent mentality and the extremely religious mentality. Plow your hearts. God said that's what we must do. Plow (loosen the soil) of your heart. Soften it, take out the pride, the fear, the weeds of bitterness and doubts. Come under God's leadership and seek Him. Thirst for God like a deer thirst for water. Or like my mother thirsted for God.

To sow righteousness, that means we must get rid of the bad soil in our own hearts. Deceit, hate, bitter grudges and lying, stealing, gossiping, doubts – plow them up! Pull them off of you. As you do that, replace the weeds with seeds of love, forgiveness, kindness, truth. Plant the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Start today while it is still here. 

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