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"Good morning sweetheart" - Harry
He made a bread for me and brought on bed.

"Good morning Harry" I said
I slept very well, but I was so tired and my back was hurting. I don't know why.
"Awe you made some breakfast for me?" I said
And he gave me the bread and a glas orange juice.
He gave me a kiss on my cheek and walked to the kitchen again to maken his breakfast.

I ran to the bathroom. I had to puke again.
I really didn't wanted Harry to see this, but when I was done and turned around, his was standing in front of the door.

"Amber, you need to go to the doctors. This is getting serious" -Harry

"No... it's nothing. I'm just a bit sick, I think."
Well actually... I think that this is getting very serious, but I don't want him to know this.

"I can call my doctor and ask if you can come today" He said and immediately took his phone to call the doctors.
I said nothing. I just letted him and brushed my tooth.
He was done calling.

"I made a appointment at 10 AM. It's in a hour. I can bring you there." - Harry

"Um... okay thank you..." I was afraid

He didn't wanted to wait for the uber, so he drove me there.

In the car
"Can I go with you?" - Harry

"I'm sorry, but I want to do it alone!" I said

"Yes, I understand it! No problem. Call me when you're done and I will bring you home." - Harry

"Yes thanks"

We arrived at the hospital. He gave me a kiss on my cheek.
"Good luck! Call me when you done." - Harry

"Sure !" I smiled and he walked away

I waited for 10 minutes.
"Amber?" - the doctor
I stand up and gave him a hand

"Yes, I'm Amber!"
We walked to his office.
I explained what was going on with me.

"I think we're going to do a pregnancy-test" she said and walked to her locker.

"A pregnancy-test?" I asked
I was so fucking scared.
She gave me a little pot and I had to pee in it.

"Go to the toilet on your left and take this with you" - the doctor

I did what she said and gave it to her.
"I'll be right back." She walked away.

I was so nervous.
What if I'm pregnant? I had sex with Harry and Dylan the same night... wtf is my problem.
I waited for 7 minutes and than she came back.

"So... I know what's going on! You're pregnant!" - the doctor

"Oh... really? I-I didn't.. know that..." I said

"Are you happy with it?" - the doctor

I didn't knew what to say
"Um... yes, I'm very happy!"

No I'm not...

We're done with it and I walked outside. I didn't wanted to tell Harry, because I don't even know who the father is. I called a uber and went to the hotel.
When I arrived I immediately called Sara.

"Hey! Sara" - me
"Hey! You still alive sis? - Sara
"How are you? I'm sorry, I had so much to do" - me
"I'm fine. I heard from your mom that you're working with Vogue and Valentino. That's so cool!" - Sara
"Yeah that's right. Sara I need to tell you something, but don't tell my mom!" - me
"Tell me! Of course I'm not going to tell her anything" - Sara
"Well... I'm pregnant..." - me
"You? You're pregnant? How long? And who's the father?" - Sara
"One week.. and I don't know who the father is..." - me
"What? What do you mean?" - Sara
"Well... I had sex with... Harry Styles ams than with a boy that I'm working with..." - me
"Hahahaha yeah Amber ! And I had sex with Justin Bieber!" - Sara
"You don't believe me?" - me
"I mean... how?" - Sara
"I met him here in LA. I'm seeing him a few days now and yesterday I slept with him" - me
"Omg ..... I can't believe it! I'm so fucking jealous!!!! Tell him his the father !" - Sara
"No I can't ! What if Dylan the guy that I work with is the father? - me
"You have to do a test and then tell him! - Sara
"I don't know... I have to go, sorry! I call you tomorrow. Love you!" - me
"Love you Am, I'm so happy for you! Bye" - Sara

I hang up the phone and went to the bathroom to have a shower.
When I was done I put my towel around me and went searching for a outfit to wear.
There was someone at the door and knocked very hard. I walked to the door and opened it.

"What the fuck Amber?" - Harry
He walked in to my room. He seemed very mad.

"I-I wanted to come to my hotel... alone."

"And you just go away and says nothing? I was waiting for your call!" - Harry

"I'm so sorry. I forgot that!"
I walked to the bathroom to put my clothes on and we followed me.
"Can you stop following me? I'm trying to put my clothes on!"

"Why you acting so weird? I'm trying to help you!" - Harry

"Well Harry.. it was nothing. I just ate something wrong! Can you go away please?"

"Are you sure?" - Harry
I wanted him to stay... but I really can't say what's going on.
"Yes, can you please go?"
While we're talking, Dylan came in and saw us talking.

"Amber, I want to talk with you. About last night!" - Dylan

About last night? It wasn't last night! He was just trying to make Harry jealous I think.

"Alright, he's leaving so we can talk. Let me just put some clothes on!" - me
Harry walked away and said nothing. I was very sad, but I really couldn't say I am pregnant...

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