Chapter 16: liam?

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"Yes babe", he responded
"Kristine's my mom"
That's when the car came to a holt.
I could see harry tensing up and tightening his hand around the rim if the steering wheel.
"That's probably why you-, we need to get you back to Liam and fast". Harry said while fixing his eyes on the road again
In about 20 minutes it so we found our selfs back at the house, and a furious harry tightening his hand around the small part of my wrist, It didn't hurt as much as when I was human, but their was still a tiny pinch that you could feel.

"LIAM", harrys voice boomed through the house
"Harry, what's all the commotion why are you yelling", liam said rubbing his eyes due to exhaustion.

"We have a problem"
"Which is", Liam replied moving his hands in a forward rotation so harry can get to his point.

"Kristine back, and you would never guess whose her daughter is", Harry said with anger and worried in his voice. Harry looked at me with a sad looked and Liam followed his gaze to me.
He looked at me through utter shock. Then I heard the words I never thought Liam would say.

"g-get away from me".

So that was todays update. I'm sorry it's so short but I have a party to go to for my soccer team, then I have to go out if town.



my favorite song in four is Stockholm syndrome because it kind of reminds me of this story of how harry kidnaps Angel and is starting to warm up to him.

What's your favorite song in four?

I'll update really soon so yeah. Don't forget to vote and follow me, that would be nice.
And comment how old you think I am, and you could be a character in my story.

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