Chapter 15: "So this just all was a big lie?"

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Thank you guys so much for your support and for getting me to 1k so quickly
The dress above is a new characters dress that they are wearing in the story can't tell you the name or It will spoil it
Here the update :)
If theirs any grammatical errors I will go back over it because it was kind if in a rush for this last minute but yeah
"Um... Excuse me. Do I know you from somewhere", I said confused at this lady's choice of words
"Aww. You don't recognize your own mother, that's sad", what is she talking about
"Um... Sorry to break it to you lady but you're not my mom, I have a mom and you're not her.",
"Oh, those so called people that you been loving with all your heart, yeah, that's not your family, they were your foster family, guards bring them in", she directed her hand towards the guards to bring people in
All of a sudden I saw my mom's and my dad's arms locked behind their back due to the cuffs and their faces were
full of bruises and gashes that run along their arms too.
"M-mom, D-dad", I stuttered at my words as my tears were brimming to my eyes.
"Were so sorry Angel" my dad said
"Sorry for what"
"For not telling you that we adopted you, we were forced not to tell, if we told we would be killed along with everyone we new and we couldn't risk it", my mom or as I should say Lisa said While tears were spilling out if her eyes
"So this was all just a big lie?... I never really had a family, that I trusted, that I felt comfortable with and came to with all of my problems. YOU LIED TO ME", I yelled getting extremely anger, feeling my eyes turn gold. this was all fake... So they never cared for me. I started to let the tears trickle down my cheek as my heart started to feel like it was breaking.
"Angel honey it's alright, we will have these filthy peasants executed at once. GUARDS", they started to lead my "parents" to somewhere in the middle of a field where their were knives set along a table while I was separated and lead into a huge castle a couple yards away from the field.
Yeah yeah I know what your thinking why aren't you freaking out that their about to die.
I not freaking out because they lied to me, I thought their were my real parents by blood line but apparently not. They deserve what's coming for them

"I've been waiting centuries to be reunited with my little sli- I mean daughter", she said adding a fake smile at the end... Did she just call me her little slit. Oh so that's why she wants me. She told the guards to exit while she put a strong grip on me to hold my ground. I started to wiggle out of her grip, but she's just too strong for me
"Let me go old lady what are you, 215 B.C", ( a/n: I honestly couldn't stop laughing when I wrote that.)
"Angelina Elizabeth Croft, don't you dare talk to your mother that way
young lady," she said stopping in her track. Did she just say croft?
"My last name I not Croft and never will be, you not my mom either, if you were my mom you wouldn't have put me up for fucking adoption". I said yelling in her face.
I could tell she was getting mad. Her eyes turned gold and she had fangs!!!
She took her hand and smushed my check together and forcefully turned my head to face hers
"Listen here you little bitch, I am your mother by blood, we a pure bloods, we are respected, you don't use that kind of language with me, you shall obey me, or else I swear I will-", she stopped

"You'll fucking what, Kristine", thank Jesus.
"Harry?" I said allowing to let my face spill a small tears in happiness that he's come to save me.

"Harry darling, what are you doing here", she said putting in another fake smile and turning towards him on her heels
"I'm here to take whats mine and you fucking took it from me", Harry said with eyes glowing gold dignifying he's pissed off.
"Who My sweet Angelina", she said laughing at Harry's remark
"Hate to break it to you harry, but she is not and never will be yours, in fact this might be the last time you see her, unless she is your mate which I doubt" Kristine said with confidence in her voice as she gasp in harry presence
"We'll looky here, you have took the claim of my Angel, I would have never thought Mr.Styles would be capable
to have a mate and love, you haven't Even marked her yet...And I expect you not to", her remark spread to harry like fire, you could tell that Harry wanted to rip her throat out but didn't because he new he was out numbered by her guards standing Around the room we were in, he let out a growl from the back of his throat before he spoke.
"Congratulations Sherlock you found out that she is my mate, so give me what's mine and I'll be gone", he responded clenching his fist together.
"Okay" , she responded with calmness in her voice. Wait that's it she's letting me go not that I want to stay, but that was way easier than I thought
"Just know Angel that I will be back, and when I'm back I don't plan on giving you away ever, maybe someday you could meet your old man", Kristine said turning around while the clack of her heels slowly fading away as she turns the corner.
I started to daze off into space when I felt a hard and forceful pull on my arm
"Don't you dare do that again Angel" Harry said with faint yelling in his voice
"We'll I'm sorry I didn't know that I would get kidnapped from a dude name josh and then-", I stopped as Harry started to speak
"Wait, did you say josh", he said looking at me closely to see if I was lying or not.
" yeah, that's what I said josh, anywho-" I was stopped again
"Hold up did you say fucking josh, did he have blackish brownish hair", I shook my head yes "blue eyes and mild tan skin with a lip piercing", I shook my head yes again.
That's when a bang on a table suddenly scared me as Harry slammed his fist down leaving a dent in the expensive countertop... "Okay maybe we should go harry" Harry grabbed my arm and led us too his car, i didn't want to say anything because he still looked pretty pissed and I didn't want to interfere.
And that's when the tears started to come to my eyes as the events came flooding back.
"H-Harry", I said my voice a little shakey
"Yes babe", he responded
"Kristine's my mom"
O TAY that was todays update at 8-9 something's night
I can't stress enough of how greatful I am for 1.14k...
So that means that I am able to REVEAL 1 thing to you guys...
Just comment below and I will pick someone's question of something I shall reveal.


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