Chapter 14: This still isn't making any sense

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Hey guyz this is todays update picture of new
Character above I can't tell you his name yet because you might remember him, but yeah... And just pretend that he has an lip piercing. Haha
"H-Harry this still isn't making any sense to me, how do I have the slit when I'm obviously not a
Vampire by birth", this is really scaring me

"I don't know Angel that what Liam is trying to figure out right now", I started to pull at my hair in frustration which was kinda starting to make me hungry.

"Angel calm down, just breath we'll figure this out" "Harry I can't, I can't do this anymore", that's when I ran out of the house as fast as I could go.

Harry's POV

Uh Oh. She left and especially when she confused and mad at the same time isn't the best for a vampire. Ok. Styles get it together

She left and is probably going to kill a town.
I can't call Niall because he isn't the best person to call right now, and I don't want him being around Angel after what he just did, not Zayn because, he's Zayn, and doesn't give a fuck. Not Liam he's still trying to figure out why Angel has the slit.

OH I can get Sof- nevermind (a/n: a tear fell when I wrote that) I guess that leaves me with... Huh lou.

"Hey Harry", Louis said coming around the stairs
I swear he read my mind
"Hey Lou. Youwannacomewithmetogofindangel", I said really fast.

"Woah woah woah wait, what did you just say", he said putting down the blood he grabbed out of the fridge.

"I said, do you want to come with me to go and find-", i stopped mid Sentence

"No, I heard what you said Haz, but how the fuck did you lose her?", he said in a angry tone

"We'll, it's a funny story actually", I started off just as Louis crossed his arms over his chest

"I kinda yelled in her face and told her about the slit and the pure bloods all at once and she said she couldn't take all this and left, and now she's somewhere probably close to a town killing off humans one by one", i said winking one eye shut and preparing for Louis to yell.

"Lou...Louis, oh few I though you were going To yel-"


"Okay we'll can you help me go an find her, because were wasting time", I told him.
"Fine lets go", he said starting to keep his cool.

Angels POV

I can't do this anymore. I have gone through too much shit already in my life, from my parents fighting all the time, too me being the most fucking important vampire in the world that's wasn't even a pure blood.

Wait. That smell. It smells as if theirs a flure of chocolate circling the air, as if your sniffing a cloud of
Cotton candy. My mind is telling me now but my veins are urging for the sweet taste of the liquid.

I started to walk into a town, full Of different type of people that smell
delicious. I looked around but my eyes set on one person. It's was a man about my age, dark black hair that swooped to the side and bright blue eyes, semi tan skin, and a lip piercing on the side.

I started to walk to him seducingly.
"Hey", I said
"Woah, what is a pretty lady like you doing out at this time at night"
"It's only 9 but I like the optimism", I responded back
" Whats you name?"
"Josh, you?"
"Oo I like that name, doesn't really suit you though", he bit his lip pulling his lip piercing in between his perfectly white teeth. Man I just want him right now, to feel that taste of Josh's blood seep out of him and into mine.

"So you wanna go to my place" what am I saying the real Angel would never let these words come out if her mouth.

"Sure but only if you left me drive", he said sending a wink my way. I agreed, and we were soon in his car.

"So haven't you parents every told about strangers",
"Excuse me?" I said with a confused face.
Before I new it a syringe was put into my neck and everything around me was starting to get numb, I snarled at Josh with full fledge fangs , and the weird thing was, is that he did it back.

I woke up with a huge headache that vibrated through my head making me squeeze at it in displease (a/n: little dirty minded people)

"Wake up sunshine", I could hear josh's voice booming through the cell I was in. "Where am I?, why am I here?", I asked all at once
"Woah hold on cupcake, your here because you have the slit, but theirs something special about you, you have determination in your eyes, and it will be great use of power to us, and plus someone wanted us to bring you to them", he said with a smirk
"Just let me go," i was really starting to dislike this dude.

"Sorry sweet cheeks no can do"he said swinging around a staff
"What's with all the nicknames, I'm not a pet that you keep
In a cage", I said in a bitchy way
"Ooooooo a vampire with a nasty attitude, me likey", I snarled at his mark in disgust

"Okay come on, lets give you a little bit of sunshine", we were soon met with the outside scenery with the sun shining and me having to squint my eyes at the sudden outburst of light.

We were still walking until I bumped into someone with pretty long brown hair with the same color eyes as me, it was strange because this person new me but I couldn't recall knowing them.
Then I heard her speak

"Angelina, My sweet sweet Angel, I've been waiting for this moment for eternity".
You probably hate me right now for that cliffhanger.

Who do you think it will be?
I can't tell you,
But it will be reveled
In the next chapter
Sometime on Saturday or Sunday.

Don't forget to vote, and comment those are always nice as usual.

And hit that follow button if you don't already follow me that would be cooool.

Til next time peeps.



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