f o u r t e e n

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"Are you okay?" He asked as he drive through my neighborhood. I ignored him again, simply thinking of ways for him to be mad at me.

"If you're a bit still shaken up because of earlier, don't worry. Police are doing what they can. They will contact us soon if they find some-" i bit my lip before my word slip out.

"Shut up." I said what I had in mind. He looked at me for a second, confused and slightly offended.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"Just shut up!" I yelled. He immediately stopped the car at the side of the road. Here we go again. His facial expression become somewhat cold and angry as he stared at me.

"What's going on?" He ask further.

"Im tired. Im tired of everything. I hate this engagement, im just frustrated by everything! Nothing is gonna be okay, alright? Look, i'll talk to my dad about this and settle-" he cut me off.

"You're not seriously rethinking about backing out are you?!" He raised his voice. "We basically just confessed our feelings for each other earlier and now you're suddenly changing your mind?! Is this some kind of a joke to you?"

"I t-take it back." I tried to refrain my tears from falling. "I don't like you Park Jinyoung"

"B-but you said..."

"It was a mistake okay?! I lied. I played with your feelings, alright! I completely depise you ever since I met you" He backed out a little bit, hurt from the words coming from my mouth.

Im sorry Jinyoung.

"You don't mean that" he mumbled.

"I do. It's what I truly felt for you." I said as coldly as possible.

It was silence for a few seconds until he broke it.

"Get out." I looked at him, not looking at me. I took a sight from the window, it was pouring hard. But I had to do it.

"Im sor-" I say it one last time.

"Fuck you, you know that?! I can't even believe myself for helping you." His words hurt so much, i felt my heart tearing apart. "And for even wasting my feelings on you. Do me a favor and forget that we ever met."

Im sorry, this is my way of helping the both of us.

"Im just-" i tried saying it.

"Get the fuck out!" I flinched and finally I went out, immediately getting drenched as he drive off away from me.

Tears kept streaming down my face together with the rain.

I asked for this, I have to bear with it.

The dorm was not far from where I am so I hugged my bag, trying to cover it so my electronics wouldnt get wet, as I walked.


I stumbled through the front of my door as I shiver.

Once the door was opened, it was a complete sight of horror. Everything was all over the place. I slowly went inside, nervousness is fastly taking over.

I checked the dining area, the plates and untensils was all over the floor. The eery silence was making the atmosphere horrible and I couldnt control the goosebumbs that was in me.

A red paper on top of the table caught my eye. I slowly scanned it and shakingly open the note.

This is just a warning sweetheart. x

My hands cover my mouth as I dropped the note. Of course it was his doing, my consequence for getting the cops involved.

Suddely I hear someone from the bedroom, my attention snapped towards the direction.

I slowly made my way through the main door so I can get the f out of here before someone gets out of the bedroom door.

I have my phone, wallet, necessary notebooks in my bag, so without thinking, I sprint towards the front door and ran like a lightning outside the building. It was still raining but I couldnt careless.

I sat at a nearby bench, completely shaken up and called for help.

"Hellooo, well if isnt the girl who skipped classe-" I heard a cheerful voice from the other line.

"Jackson?" I called for him, shivering.

"Yah, Jihyun-ah, are you okay?" His tone changes to worry.

"H-help me please"

"Wait, where are you? Aren't you with Jinyoung?" He said.

"I-im n-not, please dont call him about t-this" I shaked and try making myself warm but it was impossible because it is continuously raining.

"Ya! Dont tell me you are drenched in the rain right now" he panicked on the other line as I hear keys being wiggled.

"P-please just get me"

"Okay okay, stay put okay? I'll be there in five minutes" he hung up.


"Ya! Are you crazy?! You know you get sick quickly why are you out here??" Jackson quickly got out of the car.

He both led us inside the car. "I-im sorry for soaking your car seats" was only I managed to say. He scoffed.

"Ya seriously thinking about that right now? I don't care okay. You are my bestfriend you will tell me what the hell is going on with you" he replied.

"C-can I stay with you?" I asked.

"What? What's wrong at the dorm?" I sighed.

"I'll explain later, p-please?"

"Fine, you have some of your clothes there anyway" I sneezed the moment he said that.

"Aish" was the last thing I heard as I drifted off to sleep.

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