f i v e

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Jinyoung's POV

"Hey, can you pass me my bag please?" I heard her ask in soft voice. She's too nice.

I started joking around and threw her bag at her with force. I laughed.

I heard she yelled in pain making me chuckle, thinking that it was just temporary. I went back to typing.

After a few seconds of working, the deadly silence fills the room, since earlier the room echoes the sound of fingers typing through the keyboard. Now it's just pure silence. I looked at her, her head against the table while clutching her arm.

"Oy! Stop overreacting" I yelled through the room. No response. Only heavy breathing.

I furrowed my eyebrows and walked towards her. I tapped her shoulder, rather hard.

"Dont touch me" she hissed.

"Good to know you can still talk" I mumbled. I see her struggling with her arm. I quickly saw blood gushing out of her sleeves down to her dorsal hand. My eyes went wide and grabbed her arm forcefully.

"Ow! you're hurting me!" She said, her face red, in urge of crying.

"Wh-what happened?" I asked her with full of concern.

I am not concerned, no im not.

"N-nothing" she stuttered.

"That isnt nothing! Look how messy it is!"

"Why do you care?!" She snapped. "Besides, you didnt have to throw that bag you know! I asked you nicely."

"I-Im sorry" I looked at her, this time with my sincerity.

"Dont be its not your fault." She replied bluntly.

"No, if I hadnt threw that bag-"

"Its not the bag. Its earlier when I was waiting for you. I hit it against a hanging nail" She explained.

So if I've gotten there a bit earlier...

I sigh and stood up, getting the first aid kit. Why am i feeling like this. Im supposed to hate her.

I went back to see no one, I heard the bathroom door being opened, to see Jihyun with a folded sleeve and now very clear huge cut on her arm. Freshly cleaned from the rinse of water. I gasped and made my way to her.

I held her arm and carresed her now openly cut skin. She bit her lower lip as she stared at me, unable to read her eyes.


We stared at each other for a while. With the intense gaze and atmosphere, I couldnt help but be under a trance. His eyes slowly went down to my lips and went back to my eyes.

He leaned in and I just kept a straight face, unable to move. This isn't right. I cleared my throat and backed away. He blinked numerously as I walked towards the bed packing my stuff.

"I-I gotta go."

"No, wait!" He said, making me turn. He held a first aid kid and showed it to me. "Let me clean your wound first"

"No, its alright-"

"Please?" He said. I swear this was the first time i've seen those sweet, caring eyes. The eyes that i've fallen for years back. I sighed and nodded.

He sat infrom of me and put a pillow on his lap for my arm to rest at. He applied the ointment, making me hiss in pain. He mumbled a sorry and went on with it. As he started wrapping the bandage around my arm, I broke the silence.

"Why do you hate me?" I asked randomly. His eyes went to mine but quickly returning his attention to my arm. Basically ignoring me. "Jinyoung-ssi?" I lowered my head to his level, only seeing his crunched eyebrows and me wondering if he's that focus on my wound or just getting impatient with me.

"Ya..." I said softly, still trying to get his attention. 

He sighed heavily. "No reason, okay?? Stop talking" He demanded coldly.

"There must have been a reason" I pushed through the topic, consciously knowing that he is getting irritated. One thing I know for sure, he gets angry really quick. Rumors before said he has anger issues. I just cant help asking why.

"I told you it's nothing! Do I really have to repeat myself? I've been like this my whole life. What? You think you're special, thinking that you could see a soft side of me? What kind of fairy tale are you onto?" He replied rather harsh and pure coldness. "Omo, you must be thinking that I like you just because im messing with you? Is that it?" He laughed sarcastically. There was a pang on my chest. Now I remember how it hurts being indirectly rejected by someone you like.

That doest even answer the question which made me think he was so full of himself.

I bit my lower lip while crunching my eyebrows. "That's not what I meant, I just asked a simple question" I said while looking down. He lets go of my arm which is now treated.

"And I answered your question. But you are just too stubborn." I looked into his eyes and slightly glared at him, thinking that this argument is going nowhere.

"OK fine. Be like that. Im trying to be civilized with you but you are just hopeless. Be rude to me for all I care." I stood up and put my laptop in my bag.

"As you wish" He blankly said. Freakin' bipolar. "Now leave" He added.

I chuckled sarcastically. "Damn right i'll leave."

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