t h i r t e e n

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Jinyoung's expression changes. The one's I think I wouldnt ever see. He's angry.

"Okay that's it." He snapped and grabbed my arms. His hands were holding me tight, making me wince in response. He turned around and notice my discomfort, he quickly loosen his grip to my arm, instead his hands made its may to my hands and he intertwined them swiftly.

He lead us both outside the campus to his car. "Jinyoung, where are we going?" He ignored me as he started the engine. He started going really fast which makes me scared at his actions.

"Jinyoung please..." i plead making him relax. I reached out for his hand which was gripping the strirring wheel. "Where are we going?" I asked again, this time, with more confidence. I didnt want him seeing that i'm weak, it will only make things worse. He slowed down and made a hazard at the side of the road.

"We need to go to the police." I nod understandingly in response.

"We can get there without crashing this car okay? Just please, relax"

"I know, im sorry. Im just... I don't want anyone threatening you, hurting you or my family" i smiled softly at him.

"Thank you" I said genuinely. He grabbed my hand that was still holding his, kissing the top of it.

"I don't want people that I love getting hurt" he mumbled. As he let out those words, I was in awe. I couldn't think straight so I made my move.

I grabbed both sides of his face and crashed my lips onto his. He was startled but he soon relaxed and started kissing back.

A few seconds later, I was pretty heaten up, i decided to pull away. He pressed his forehead into mine as we catch out breathes.

"I've been wanting to do that" he mumbled and smiled. "You just beat me up to it"

My face was pure red at this moment, the heat in the atmosphere is killing me. I looked into his eyes as I palm his cheeks.

"I like you" I let out. I didn't know where my confidence was coming from, but it felt right at the moment. "I don't care if you don't feel the same, I just have to let-"

Next thing I knew, he pulled me into a kiss, a long, passionate one. He deepends the kiss and pulls away. I felt a tear leave my eye, his thumb made its way to wipe it. "That proves my answer" he said as he pulls me into a hug. He loves hugs indeed.

"Now lets go before somebody asks what going on here" he chuckled and drove away.


"Look here. Doesn't this look a threat to you?!" He said to the policeman behind the table, showing him my phone with the messages.

Jinyoung has been frustratingly explaining to him that it is a threat which the guy in the uniform is not buying it.

"Look here young man, a single text wouldn't be a threat. Okay? Maybe they are pranking you, or they sent it to the wrong person." He explained.

Jinyoung handed me back my phone, I stood there in silence, just listening to their debate.

"He has done something more than a text!" He raised his voice to the old man, making me held onto his arm. He somehow relaxed and sighed. "Im sorry" he quickly said and the policemam just nodded understandingly.

"Two weeks ago she was threatened with a knife, not far from my house..." he continue on with the story.

"Well have you checked the CCTV?" Police man asked. I face palmed myself. Why didnt we thought of that.

"I've checked it it's no use." He replied. Okay erase that. Why didnt I thought of that?

"The person is fully covered" Jinyoung sighed.

"Okay, so you live in this area right?" He pointed to the location where he lives. He nodded.

"Well, so far it's pretty rare that we receive cases that involves in your district, so I think this is gonna be new for us. But don't worry, i'll be asking my partner to conduct a steakout in that area, just to ease you" He assured us kids.

"Thank you so much sir" I spoke out.

"Just put whoever I should contact to, incase of something suspicious" Jinyoung scribbled through the piece of paper.

We both sighed in relief and bowed to the policeman and made our way out. It was raining, damn it.

"Stay here okay? I'll go get the car" he patted my head, before I could respond, he left running to the open parking lot.

While waiting for him I felt my phone vibrate.

I got the text, which made my stomach drop.

Unknown 3:56 PM
Things will not get pretty if you involve the police... oops too late.

I stared at the screen for a while, wondering what he can do. I hear the honks of his car as he waved at me, smiling.

I smiled back at him, a fake one.

Should I just stay away from him?

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