t w e l v e

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The following day was a blur, my mind would just constantly find itself about me marrying this guy.

Like seriously. Park Jinyoung?? I liked him yes, or I still do? But I never ever thought about going that far. I don't even imagine me having a family, hence a husband.

He continuously fumble with his fingers as I stood there in front of him at the school's rooftop. I really have no idea how to say this, but I had to let it out somehow. This is the future we're talking about.

"So, uhh, you wanted to talk?" He spoke.

"Yeah" i nod.

"About...?" He trailed off.

"Jinyoung I, I really don't know how to say this but um..." he raised his eyebrows at me as he wait for my sentence.

"...i thinkwearegettingmarried" I say rather too quickly. He closed his eyes slowly and let out a sigh.

That's it? A sigh?

He stared at me "what?" He said.

"Didn't you just hear what i've said? We are getting married." I repeated with a clear pronounciation.

"I heard you."

"Then why are you so freakin calm right now??" I asked frustratingly.

"Well, the thing is" he scratched the back of his head. "I already knew" my mind went blank for a second.

"WHAT? HOW? WHEN?" I yelled.

"Bout three weeks ago? Look-" he tried grabbing my arm but I stepped back.

"You knew and you completely hid it from me?!" I exclaimed, going red. "Is that why you hate me before? For being enganged to someone like me, who for the fact has no idea of any of this??"

"Yes-NO, I- Jihyun-ah it was really complicated that time, I cant think  straight, I didnt have the opportunity to tell you" he tried explaining.

"Jinyoung. You have three freaking weeks to spill the beans. We even became friends, or did you even consider me as your friend?" I glaired at him.

"What? Look Jihyun, please calm down and we'll talk this through. I can explain everything I know, we cant fix this if you're constantly screaming at me." He sternly said, but calmly. I breath out, he's right. I might be overreacting.

We both sat down at the floor, leaning against the wall, that separates us between the cold city of seoul.

He sighed deeply. "Im just gonna make this short and clear, so uhm... my dad basically asked the school principal--since they're friends-- to transfer me to your section, for me to be know more about you, that's why I randomly became part of your block"

I just nodded, of course his parents knew about this, but I don't blame them though, it's my parents job to tell me.

"And you're mad at me because..." i asked

"Im not really mad at you, I dont even hate you. I just tried making you hate me so you'll cancel the wedding, since you have all the power to decide... it's my parent's idea after all. All you have to do is say yes or no" He looked down. "But I completely regret making you hate me, i've learnt more about you and your friends, and i've never met such fun and wonderful people, and I like it very much--- dont tell them I said that"

I smiled and chuckled at his words.

"So, what do you think about all of this?" I asked.

"I don't know, to be honest im not against of the idea. It's not that I like you or something like that..." okay, ouch. "I just wanted the idea of helping my parents, but if you dont want then I truly respect your descision"

"I never knew you were this kind of person. I mean, you completely had me when you're rude, never thought i've seen you become soft" I said.

"Yaa, i've been soft this entire time" he nudged my shoulders.

"Yeah, being softy with JB i see" His eyes widened as I laughed.

"Oy im straight! We just have a special bond you know" he defended himself. "Just like you and Jackson" his words became cold surprisingly. I snorted.

"Hey, i told you he's like my brother, nothing more" I explained and decided to tease him. "Is my fiancè jelly?" He looked at me surprised.

I just chuckled. "Im just kidding" as I shook my head.

"Why would I be jealous if you're gonna be married to me?" He said rather jokingly when he's eyes tell me he is being serious.

"Okay okay" I raised both my hands in surrender. "No need to be sensitive Mr. Puffy head"

"Puffy head?"

"It's the first thing I thought of" i shrugged and and he chuckled. We were silent for a minute, constantly looking up the sky.

"So... what now?" He said.

"Well, if you're not against this then neither am I, i guess I was just surprised at first" He reached out for my hand which gave me chills and made my heart beating faster than ever. My face being red as a tomato. I looked at our hands and up to his eyes.

"That's good to know" he said. We stare at each other and next thing I know he started leaning in, my heart is rapidly beating as his lips were a few inches from mine.

I closed my eyes and waited for the contact. Suddenly my phone rang, which separates us both as I looked down embrrassingly. Damn it Jihyun.

He lets go of my hand as I reach for my phone in my pocket.

Unknown 1:34PM
     Didn't think you would forget    my warning did you?

I gasped as I dropped my phone, my blooding rushing down my veins making me pale.

Jinyoung looked at my reaction. "Ya, what's wrong?" He asked putting his hands on my cheek, he looks at me with eyes clouded with worry.

My hands started to shake. "H-He's back"

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