Good Morning, Sunshine

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My eyes fluttered open sleepily as I found myself staring up at a ceiling fan. My room doesn't have a ceiling fan? I sat up straight, groaning and rubbing my eyes with my good hand. Judging by the snores around me, we had all fallen asleep in the living room last night. I stood up and took a look at the other boys. Niall and Zayn were being all adorable, sleeping in each others arms. It was so cute, I almost wanted to take a picture and blackmail Zayn with it later. I stifled an aww and just smiled instead. I avoided looking at Louis all together. I knew if I looked at him, I wouldn't stop staring. So I risked a glance at Harry. I wish he had more than just boxers though. Sure he wasn't the only one that slept like that but I would assume he would keep clothes on in front of Niall. But I guess I wasn't really all that upset. Just annoyed at his indecency. Or maybe its just jealousy. I tore my eyes away from him and trudged over to my room. After hearing the soft click of the door behind me, I climbed back into my own bed and tried to get some sleep in the comfort of my empty bedroom.


I'm glad Liam skipped over looking at me. I had heard him wake up and saw him looking over Harry. It was weird to have him looking at my fiance. But it made me wonder even more if he liked Harry. That would be weird though. Li didn't go that way. He was the only straight one here. Always had been. So I guess him not being as straight as I thought made it weird for me. It was like he wasn't the same Liam I met a few years ago. So I wouldn't get used to thinking he might have a crush on a guy. I heard his door close and got up to stretch.

"Mum... stop making so much noise.." Harry groaned sleepily. I chuckled at how cute it was, all thoughts of Liam pushed aside.

"Okay, Kitten, I promise I wont be so loud." I whispered against his temple before leaving a soft kiss there. Right now, I just really had to pee.


I woke up to the sound of a flush. I rubbed my eyes sleepily. Last night was really nice. All five of us hanging out and watching a movie. Besides that unmistakable awkward tension, it was kind of nice. I mean I guess there was something that was untold going on between them. But I didn't want to get in the way because I knew that it would only cause problems. I was already staying at their flat, I didn't want to intrude on their life so much. And there was Lou. I could tell he had been feeling a little stress lately and I felt like it was my fault. I just wish he would tell me what was wrong. I didn't want him to face anything alone.

"Babe? Is that you?" I called softly, getting up to walk to the bathroom.

"Yeah, you're up?" He asked, walking out in nothing but a towel. I smiled weakly.

"Mhm. Obviously." He hugged me close. It was times like this, in the quiet and extra sweet moments where I felt like he was going to let me go.

"You want me to make breakfast for you while you take a nice hot shower?" I was going to say that I would make breakfast, but he was already bouncing towards the kitchen, humming slightly. I smiled before stepping into the steamy bathroom. There was a yellow post-it note on the mirror.


I hope you know how much I love you. I have a present for you when you come out from your shower. I hope your up for one of the greatest dates ever because I'm taking you somewhere special. And don't cheat and get out of the bathroom before taking a shower. You wouldn't want to go where we're going without bathing first. Love you, babe. Always will x


Leave it to him to be a mushy bowl of mashed potatoes. He was such a romantic when he wasn't being all silly. I tore off my clothes, which were starting to stick to me due to the steam. I smiled to myself, folding the post-it note into a heart shape. Even though it was a hard task considering my large hands would fumbled with the small piece of paper. Nonetheless, it came out into a decent heart like shape. I placed it on the sink before turning on the shower. I was really excited for today!


The sound of clattering kitchen pots woke me up. I was going to snuggle up into the couch to try and go back to sleep again, but found a small blond in my arms instead.   "Zaaaayn... I cant breathe if you hold me so tight." Niall whined, his accent heavy. His morning voice was going to get me hard, and I wasn't having that.   "Good morning, sunshine. C'mon, lets get something to eat.."
"FOOD!!" He jumped off of me and rushed to the kitchen joyfully. "LOU, YOU'VE BEEN MAKING FOOD?!" He gasped. I heard more pots and pans clanking against each other.
"This is so pointless!" Louis groaned in impatience. Of course he was upset. He wasn't too great of a cook.   "I'm coming, BooBear. Calm down. We can cook together." I heard Harry say from their room. I had to admit, they were a cute couple. The way they shared that loving look, how they always seemed to know how each other were feeling. How they would comfort each other. I wanted to have a relationship like that with Niall. There was just something about him that made me tongue tied.   "BABE! YOU COMING?!" He called out to me in that accent of his.   "He will be later." Louis winked. I glared at him, even though the shade of pink that Niall turned was extremely adorable.   "BooBear!" Harry cried out, crinkling his nose at how dirty minded Lou was. Louis kissed Harrys nose and pulled him towards the stove, where Louis had made a sad attempt to cook.   "What did I do wrong, Haz?" Lou said, resting his chin on the shorter boys full head of curls.   "Ermm... so basically..." he started.


Breakfast was hectic. Louis had apparently tried to make scrambled eggs but it turned out looking like some sort of mold you would find in the sewers in scary movies. So Captain Harry came to the rescue with his trusty spatula and make some more scrambled eggs wit bacon and some pancakes. He even gave me extra bacon. After eating, I went for a quick shower, brushing my teeth while I was in there. And Zayn was being Zayn, attempting to organize his hair products as he waited for me to get out. It was less awkward now for some reason.

"Harry and Lou are going to be out for the rest of the day. Liam, you, and I could go do something. We could go out to the park or go to the theaters or whatever." I thought for a quick second.

"Can I invite somebody?" I asked hesitantly.

"Um. Depends I guess. Who'd you have in mind?"

"My mate, Josh. Haven't seen him in ages and thought maybe he could tag along." He paused, the sound of the running water being the only thing audible in the oddly quiet flat.

"I guess. You wanna give him a call when you're done?" He asked gently. I wonder what he was thinking.

"Sure. I'll go tell Liam while you shower. Pass me that towel over there?" Today was no doubt going to be very eventful.

A/N: Soooooo sorry for that long wait! I have been so busy with school that I haven't gotten the chance to write. But I have a lot less work lately so I decided to write this up. Please don't have me :c I love you! Don't leave me!! lol jk but really I do apologize for that.

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