Bathroom awkwardness

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I found myself searching for the warmth of Nialls body as sunlight hit my face from the window, but the space where he had been was cold. I woke up instantly at the thought that he had left. If he had run off, we would be dead if the gang found out. But he wouldn't leave.. would he? He had practically confessed he had nowhere to run off too. 

"Good morning." I heard him say, his voice still laced with sleep. It made his accent a lot heavier. If I hadn't been so worried a minute ago I would have been really turned on by it. I sat up, rubbing the back of my neck. I saw him writing in the notebook again. What was it that he was writing? Maybe he was like me and was writing lyrics or something. I remembered the way he held the guitar. The look of determination on his face. 

"Morning." I let out, sleepily smiling at the blonde."How'd you sleep, babe?" I asked, trying to nonchalantly throw off the fact that I involuntarily called him babe. I just felt the need to for some reason. He seemed to blush at it. 

"Great actually.... You're really comfortable.." he said as he closed the notebook to come snuggle with me. Probably due to the lack of a heater in the flat.  

"Good to know." I laughed. He bit his lip and stared into my eyes with his electric blue ones. I hadn't realized that we were leaning towards each other until our noses touched. He shocked me by closing the space between us and crashing his lips against mine. His lips were soft and fit perfectly with mine. I gently tugged on his bottom lip. He understood immediately understood and parted his lips. Soon, our tongues were dancing upon each other. I loved the way he was fighting me for dominance even thought we both knew I would win. He was being playful. And it made the kiss a lot sweeter. He pinned me den onto the bed as I grazed his body. 

"Don't be such a tease." he growled against my lips. 

"We both know you like it." I chuckled. He started rubbing up against me. 

"Impatient bastard." I chuckled. He merely shrugged. 

"We both know you like it." he mumbled. 

"lame ass." I couldn't help but smile as I said it.  

"You love that about me." he must really loved to banter. He smashed his lips against mine again. Okay, I got it. Too much talking. He gripped my shirt and pressed himself harder against me. We both wanted so much more. Only thing was, we heard the door open. 

"Zayn can I borrow your-" Louis said as he stepped into the room. Niall buried his face into my chest in embarrassment. I glared at Louis and he walked back out, not bothering to finish his question. I groaned as Niall got off of me and went to grab his notebook. His journal maybe? I sighed and got up. It was obvious we weren't going to attempt this again any other time today.

"You wanna shower first or should I?" I asked him. He just smiled at me and I tried to stay calm. His smile was just perfect.

"You go a head. I'll wait." he replied and turned back to his notebook. He was probably feeling a lot more awkward than I was. I went to the bathroom and started getting undressed. I was going to get Louis back for this. I could always do something to Harry. But then this would turn into war. I turned on the water and let it run a bit as I threw my clothes into a pile in the corner.

"This isn't fair!" I whined to myself, standing under the warm water. I groaned at how ridiculous I was acting. It was just so childish. "Whats so childish about feeling this way for a guy I had to kidnap?" I was either trying to convince myself I didn't like him or to make myself aware that I did. It was hard to tell. Since he got here, I was feeling all mixed up.

"Zayn?" there was a knock at the door. It was Niall.

"Yeah?" I tried to say without my voice cracking, I just got shampoo in my eye.

"Um.. I have to.. uh.. I have to pee..." He said through the door. I tried not to laugh at how awkward the situation was. I didn't want him to feel any worse than we already did.

"Uh.. Okay... You can come in I guess." I shouted over the running water. I could tell he was hesitant as he turned the door knob.

"Don't look okay?" he said almost childlike. I tried to ignore the pain in my side from holding in the laughter. But he didn't have to worry about me looking, I still had some shampoo in my eyes. If I didn't, I know damn well I would have tried to peek. I heard the door close again and figured that Niall must have finished and that it was safe to come back out, considering I was already done here. All of a sudden, I was extremely self concious about my body. And just to make sure that he was gone, I tried to scan the room with my slightly blurry eyes, only to see that I didn't have a towel.

"Dammit! I just hope that Niall's downstairs with Liam or something.." I muttered to myself as I turned the knob of the steamy bathroom, crossing my fingers and hoping that Niall wouldn't be there.

A/N: So like i'm sorry that I took so long to finish this crap chapter but I got grounded (sorta) and I finally got a hold of the laptop but I promise I'll be able to just type up a few other quick chapters to make up for it as soon as possible!

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