And then there were three

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There I was just staring at my phone. I had turned it off a while ago but still, I expected it to light up again. I had been texting Josh a long time. In fact, we had been texting all day. We had fit in a skype at some point but then, for whatever reason, I had turned my mobile off. It wasn't that I didn't want to text the lad. It was the fact that I just wanted to keep talking to Josh that I had neglected it. I felt maybe I was getting too comfortable with him. Though, I should see it as a good thing. It meant I was finally and slowly getting over Louis. So why would I shut Josh out all of a sudden? It was beyond me. I could have just been scared, though. Scared of being used. I let out a sigh, and thought about asking Zayn for advice. Until I remembered that Zayn had swept Niall off somewhere. I let out a groan and threw myself back onto my unmade bed. I didn't plan on turning my phone back on any time soon, no matter how tempted i seemed to get, there was no way I was going to touch my phone for any reason. It felt almost devestating to be anywhere near my phone as I worked out the reasons as to why I was going to leave it off for a while. I swear I had heard my phone go off, though it was only my imagination; my subconsious wanting me to check it. Well, I wasn't going to. I shook my head, figuring I wasn't going to be able to do anything as long as my phone was staring at me, so I got up. There was no way that I was going to be able to do anything stuck in my room anyways. Though the fact that I was here with both Harry and Louis made me even more uncomfortable than I already was. It was utterly frustrating to be at the flat at a time like this. Even though I had been denying myself, I picked my phone off of the bedside table and tentatively turned it on. I mentally slapped myself as it lit up, practically greeting me. The sudden light wasn't the only thing greeting me though. There were also another 17 messages and 3 missed calls. I was scared to check if it had been Josh or not. I guessed maybe I would have to check up on them eventually. My suspicions had been correct for the most part. There were only 2 messages that weren't from him, and he hadn't been the one that had called me. I wasn't really sure how to feel about it, but either way, it made me want to fling myself back onto my bed and under the covers. So if Josh hadn't called me, who had? I rechecked my calls and almost dropped my phone in an instant. It was Yaser; and I knew we were in some deep shit now.


The thing about being with Niall was that we could actually sink into our relationship and just.. let it happen. It was this amazing feeling. It was like we didn't have a doubt that we were actually feeling something. I smiled, cuddling him closer as we blasted music through my phone. I don't think you could really consider In This Moment as cuddling music, but it seemed that Niall didn't mind Metalcore as much as I expected him to. Instead, he seemed to rather enjoy the hard music and the screaming coming from the small speakers. Suddenly, he broke out into the twinkling laughter I had been getting accustomed to and I couldn't help but laugh along with him even though I didn't know what the hell he was laughing at.

"What?" I chuckled, giving him a confused look as I pulled him closer to my chest.

"You!" he laughed, playing with the fabric of my shirt lightly. "Stop making that face." He teased, nuzzling the facial hair that had been starting to grow. "Whenever she screams, you make this face." Niall shrugged, kissing at the skin of my chin. I chuckled, leaning in a little to kiss him properly on the lips.

"Niall," I murmured softly, smiling at him. I wanted to ask him, but to ask him properly. It wasn't really something to convince the others, but more myself. I wanted to make things work between us. "I was wondering-"

"Grab him!" I heard someone say, cutting my own words off. Niall was clinging to my shirt until I was yanked from him, watching as his eyes filled with terror.

"Niall!" I cried out, trying to get away from whoever had gotten a hold of me. Whoever they were, they happened to be hella strong and I couldn't get out of their tight grip. I felt a gun press to the side of my head and I almost instantly slumped with defeat. There was no point in trying to fight if they had guns. That was just stupid. Niall choked out a sob, clutching to the sheets as the music came to a stop.

"It'll be okay, Niall." I said, though I figured maybe I wouldn't make it out of here alive. I felt the burn of fast ropes being tied around my wrists. They were tight and constricting, but maybe I wouldn't die. Not yet, anyways. familiar murmurs came from behind me as I was dragged away. I gave a final look back at Niall, who looked like he was trying hard not to cry. The door to the motel room was left wide open, though I couldn't bring myself to keep eye contact with him. I didn't need him to see how scared I actually was. Not with him unwinding into a mess. He had to think I was okay so that he could get out of here himself.

A/N: I'm a terrible person omfg I'm so sorry you guys. My laptop crashed and I just haven't had time. I finished this up on my iPad so there's no doubt that there will be typos. Again, I'm sorry and I hope this chapter wasn't so shitty..

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