Nothing Wrong With Revenge

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[Niall's Pov]

This wasn't fair. I gripped tighter to Liam's leather jacket, pressing my face to his back and trying not to get the cold whipping of the air get in my face as he maneuvered the motorcycle past several red lights until we managed to get back home. But it wasn't home anymore. Not unless I heard Zayn's voice. Or his laugh. Or saw him fix his hair. Nothing seemed to be the same with out him. I groaned, stepping into the flat. It even seemed less warm without my raven haired bad boy. But maybe it was just me being overly dramatic. I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted my Zayn back. Or was I his? I didn't even know anymore. I couldn't be sure of anything anymore. I sat down on the empty sofa, frowning slightly to myself.

"They just.. took him?" Liam asked. I know it was just because he wanted to help and go look for him, but I didn't want to be reminded of it. I crossed my arms, looking up at him defiantly. "Yeah. Some really big guys bursted in and took him. It wasn't some random shit either. They knew what they were looking for." I grumbled, pulling a throw pillow to my chest and hugging it tightly. It wasn't what I wanted to hold, but still, it was enough for now. Liam bit his lip, thinking hard. I just sat there pouting, trying to remember what the guys faces looked like. But I couldn't, and that frustrated me. I groaned flinging the pillow hard across the room, hitting right at the inexpensive lamp that the lads kept there 'for decoration'. Which was pretty stupid if I was honest because I thought it was bloody ugly. Or maybe it wasn't and I was just mad at myself.

"Lou is going to kill you once he finds out you broke his favorite lamp." Liam laughed slightly, making just a small smile tug at my lips. "It deserved it." I mumbled, though the shatter of it made me feel just a tad bit better. Liam had stopped dead in his tracks, staring down at me with a look on his face. I wish he wouldn't though. Its creepy as shit.

"Maybe.... maybe Zayn deserved it...." he said, his features taking on a look of concentration, But I glared up at him, not too fond of the words that just came out of his lips. "What do you mean?" I asked, and he clearly picked up on my defensive tone. He held his hands up, in what seemed close to surrender. "No no, if you think I was saying- no. I mean what if SOMEONE ELSE thought that Zayn deserved it? What if it was just someone getting revenge on him." Liam suggested, sitting down beside me, the couch dipping in slightly. I thought about it for a second. It seemed.. plausible. Actually, it really did make a lot of sense.

"But who would do something like that?" I asked, earning a bit of a smirk from Liam.

"I know that Zayn treats you like you're his little kitten and he's sweet with you and all," oh Liam, you innocent thing. "But Zayn leads us. You don't think that maybe he's done some pretty unspeakable things?" Liam said, making me bite into my lip with thought. I knew he was right. For all I know, Zayn could have done more than just kidnappings. And maybe I didn't know him as well as I was hoping I might.

"It could have been anybody." Liam groaned, throwing his head back to lean against the couch. I could practically see a light bulb going off in his head as he picked up his phone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked as he pressed the phone to his ear.

"You'll see." he said, waiting patiently for the phone to ring.

[Louis' POV]

I had been holding Harrys hand in mine, our fingers laced together as we stared up at the sky from the roof of the building after coming up here when Liam went out to do whatever it was that he went to go do. Okay, maybe I wasn't looking up at the stars; I was looking at Harry. But really, who could blame me? Harry was.. perfect. He was perfect and I just couldn't even imagine being with anybody else at a time like--

"Babe, your phone is ringing." Harry said, glancing down at the the illuminating phone. Liams name was bright on the screen and i pouted slightly. Harry smiled softly, pecking at my lips with his warm ones, making me smile almost instantly. "Answer it, love." He said to me, handing me the phone before looking back up at the stars with intrigued eyes. I slid the unlock button and answered, suppressing a soft sigh. "Hey Li," I said, hearing as Niall rambled strange things in the back.

"Lou, thank fucking goodness you answered your damn phone!" Liam exclaimed, and a shocked expression covered my face. Liam wasn't really one to curse. I scoffed quietly to myself, pressing the phone closer to my ear. "What is it, Liam?" I asked, knowing something was up. Liam didn't normally call me like this. and all that cursing. Wow. something had to be seriously wrong.

"It''s Zayn. Someone took him. And I need you to call Yaser. I need you to tell him a few things for me. You can do that right?" He asked, his tone softening slightly. I ran my hand through my hair, pulling Harry into my arms. "Yeah, Li. I can try to do that. Just tell me what you want me to say."

After putting all the things Liam asked me to say in the notes of my phone, I asked Harry if he could get us some blankets so that we could stay up here longer. Of course, he agreed when I made a little puppy dog face and I couldn't help but smile as his little bum would bounce in the slightest with his happy little steps. My smile soon faded when I remembered my task and I called Yaser up, trying not to sound too nervous.

"Hello?" he answered, his voice a little edgy, but then again, it always was.

"Hello, sir. I call on Liam's behalf," I said, nibbling on my lip. "His phone is dead so he asked me to call about Zayn. He hasn't come back. We aren't sure where he went but he was supposed to be here a while ago." I tried to make it sound likeI was confused. Thank goodness for my interest in drama. I thought it was pretty damn convincing.

"Zayn? I have him." Yaser said, his tone more agitated.

"Oh?" I knew maybe I might be pushing just a little. But I had to find out what was going on before Harry got back. "Is he alright then?

"I hope not. He displeased me in more ways than one. Look Louis, Zayn isn't exactly.. in my favor at the moment. Let Liam handle things over there. For now, just wait until I give you proper instructions." and that was it. He just hung up. I threw my phone aside with a distasteful look. "Fucking asshole." I grumbled under my breath. Harry came back up, causing me to perk up slightly and make it seem like I wasn't upset at all. He had our quilt, the one we always share, in his ams as he plopped down beside me. He kissed my cheek, snuggling into me as I fixed the blanket.

"So is everything okay?" He asked, and I remembered he had heard me talking to Liam. I nodded, giving him a soft smile. "Everything is fine." I hummed, cuddling him to my side. I pulled out my phone, opening up a text.

'It was him,' it read 'It was Yaser.'

A/N: I've updated again because you guys don't deserve to wait so damn long. Sorry again for my laptops bullshit! I love you guys.

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