Screw the drama

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After Niall had gotten dressed, we had been cuddle up in bed. Gently falling asleep, until we heard the doorbell ring. Niall got up to open the door and I automatically regret letting him. Danielle had walked over to where we were sitting, following Niall carefully. I loved Dani like a sister. She had become really close to me and the guys. But right now, she was pissing me off. Not too long ago Niall had agreed to go out with me, now all his attention was focused on her. It could have just been jealousy that was making me feel this way. And I had no reason to believe that it wasn't. I just really felt uncomfortable. I was getting tired of it. So if I went somewhere else, it wouldn't bother me. Right now, I just didn't want to hear another word about her coming from Niall's lips.

"I'm going to the room." I sighed as I turned to get up. I was walking away but somebody grabbed my wrist to pull me back. I felt the tingles run up my body and knew who it was.

"Nooooo! Baaaaaabe! Stay pleaaaaaaase!" Niall asked, pulling me back towards him. He turned me around so he could kiss me .

"Awwwww!" I heard. I jumped at the sound. How long had he been standing there?

"Li! Danielle shouted as she rushed over to tackle Liam with a bear hug. Right. Did she know that Liam... went that way? I felt Niall snuggle into my chest, pulling me away from those thoughts.

"Are you cold?" I asked, wrapping my arms securely around him. 

"Nah, I just like being close to you." He looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of him. I was so tempted to kiss him but then I heard a door shut. Li and Dani. "Can we watch another movie?" Niall asked sweetly. I laughed at how adorable it was. 

"Okay so you want me to make popcorn while you go and find a movie to watch?" He was jumping around excitedly. Sometimes I wondered where he got all this random energy from. Most likely the thought of food. The boy eats like he'll never see another day. He was like a bottomless pit.

"POPCORRRRRRN!!" he cried out joyfully before making his way to the tv stand and searching for a movie. I walked back into the warmed of the flat, closing the balcony door behind me. I quickly glanced at Liam's closed door. Sometimes I just couldn't help but worry about him.


If Zayn hadn't pulled that little stunt earlier, I would have been knocked out. Now it was just like I had a sugar rush. I quickly scanned through the movies they had.

"Baaaaaabe?" I called out to Zayn, who was humming to himself in the kitchen.


"Whats Howl's Moving Castle?" I asked curiously. It was an anime movie. And I was honestly all for it. I had heard about it but I never got the chance to watch it.

"Li bought that movie a few weeks ago. We haven't seen it yet. Maybe the three of us can watch it together?" I bounced excitedly in my spot. The sound of the microwave went off.

"Its done, its done, its done!!" I yelled, running over the the microwave that gave off the wonderful aroma of popcorn.

"Babe! Don't burn yourself." Oops. Too late. I cursed silently under my breath. I pouted sadly. How was I supposed to eat my popcorn?! Zayn brought my finger up to his lips and kissed it gently. I looked at him in amazement. He was so careful with me sometimes, it was almost hard to believe this was the same guy that kidnapped me.

"You want me to feed you?" He asked softly. I smiled widely. This side of him was as sweet as a puppy! I really liked it.

"Of course I do." I said to him with a kiss. He poured the popcorn into the bowl he took out of the cupboard. I stared at it hungrily. 

"Bye guys! I'll see you around!" Danielle called out as she left, leaving Liam standing at his bedroom door, chuckling to himself.

"What happened?" Zayn asked nosily after Danielle left, pulling me out of the kitchen with the popcorn in the other hand.

"We broke up." Liam shrugged. I reached out for the popcorn, trying to sneak some. But Zayn slapped my hand away lightly. I gave him an exasperated look. He grabbed some from the bowl and held it up to my lips. He was serious about the whole 'feeding me' part? 

"You guys are too cute!" Liam mused. "You guys are watching a movie? I'm joining! Gimme a second!" He ran over to the hallway bathroom. Uhhh.. He was certainly very happy after breakups.. I couldn't help but feel like there was something going on. But I wasn't going to push it. Right now, we were going to enjoy a movie! No drama. Just another movie. The doorbell rang. Who was that now?

"Who ever it is, I hope you have food!!" I cried as I opened the door.

"We have pizza!" Louis voice came from the other side. I swung the door aside. Pizza?! I better get at least 3 slices.

"Chinese food?" Zayn said from the kitchen, holding his phone to his ear. I groaned.

"Okay but then we have to wait." I pouted.

"We could do something to pass the time." Zayn grinned when I came into the room, followed by a confused Harry and Louis.

"Get a room!" Harry shrieked from behind Louis.

"But we could all just do it here..." I thought.

"Duh. It sounds fun!" Zayn chirped from the sofa, patting the spot next to him so I could sit there.

"But thats weird!" Louis cried out, looking terrified. What was his deal?

"People do it all the time. Why would that be weird?" I asked, settling on Zayns lap instead of the couch.

"BECAUSE  NORMAL PEOPLE DON'T HAVE FOURSOMES IN THEIR LIVING ROOMS ALL THE TIME, THAT'S WHY!" Zayn and I exchanged looks before bursting out in laughter.I was literally in tears and clutching my stomach. It felt like a good 10 minutes had passed before I could regain my breath..

"Idiots! W-we were t-talk-ing ab-bout the movie!" Zayn stuttered out, still trying to stop laughing.

"Ohhhhh...." Louis and Harry said in unison, causing me and Zayn to start laughing again. The two took a seat.

"Hey, what about Li? Wouldn't he want to watch the movie too?" Louis asked. Zayn shot him a look. He was going to have to explain to me eventually. But not now. Screw the drama.

"I'm right here!" Liam bounced out of the bathroom, "I just had to wash my hands but I got distracted with the soap and then I saw a spider. I didn't want to kill it but I was scared to touch it so I just had to find a way to get it out of the window..." He explained, taking the seat on the end next to Zayn. The gave each other a look like they were reading each others minds or something. 

*about 15-20 minutes into the movie*

We finally got the Chinese food over here and its a good thing we did. I just finished my second slice of pizza and there was none left. I was still a little hungry so I ended up eating most of the Chinese food too. I was starting to get tired and the clock read 11:26. Zayn was so adorable just staring anxiously at the screen. So far I understood that Howl was a very attractive wizard who owned a moving castle. Which wasn't even a castle but more like a giant machine with legs in which he lived in. But the movie was good considering Sophie had been turned into an old woman by that ugly old witch. Zayns fingers had been intertwined with mine after I finished eating, wrapping his free arm around me protectively. I enjoyed this time with him. Even though my eyes were getting droopy. I snuggled into his body and closed my eyes. I was getting really tired. I knew I was going to have to write a few things in my notebook tomorrow.

"Good night, babe." Zayn whispered to me, kissing my temple lightly. I felt myself fall into a dreamless sleep.

A/N: Finally! I finished writing this in Global (Shhh don't tell my teacher ;D) and I got to typing after convincing my sister to let me use the laptop real quick. BTW Eleanor's point of view will be coming into this story some time soon so look forward to that I hope you liked this chapter <3 Love you all! :3

P.S: How many R's were there in the word popcorn when Ni said it? ;) lol who caught that?

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