Movie time!!

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*Nialls POV*

I could tell that I was going to be up late with my notebook. I knew Zayn was getting curious as to what was in it. I was too embarrassed to say. I was itching to write in it. It was up in Zayns room and since we were heading out, I would have to wait. Zayn took my hand and walked me a few blocks down to the nearest Nandos. I swear I felt something every time we touched. Even in the slightest ways. There was a... Spark.  

"You know what you want?" Zayn asked as we walked in. 

"potato with hummus, double breasted chicken wrap, peri chips, medium corn on the cob, aaand some wings. 5 actually!" I said with a smile. That was my usual at Nandos. Zayn stared at me in what seemed to be astonishment. 

"You really plan on eating all that?" he asked in amazement. I forget that not everybody knows about my big appetite. 

"Well of course I am! I always get this when I come to Nandos!" he just looked at me like I was crazy, causing me to laugh. He shrugged and ordered it. He didn't get anything though. Was he here just for me? I smiled at the thought. As soon as he paid for it and handed me the tray of food, I started eating. I didn't even wait until we got to the table. Come to think of it, I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I hadn't been paying attention at the growling of my stomach. Zayn had found a way to invade my mind. 

"So what did your brother say?" Zayn asked, breaking the silence. I looked down at the tray of food. 

"he.... He umm.. He said that he would... Rather I die than pay ransom..." I said, choking back tears. I couldn't help but need to bury my face into my hands and let out a sob. Zayn grabbed my hand under the table. 

"Don't cry, Nialler. He's just being a dick." he said, smiling as he grabbed a wing. "We still have our movie night!" he exclaimed. I huge grin came across my face and I started eating again. When I finally finished, we started walking back. People started roaming the streets, so we couldn't hold hands like before. But just being close to Zayn made my heart flutter a bit. He pulled out his keys and opened the door. 

"Helloooo???! We're back!!" Zayn yelled. The house stood still. Maybe the boys went out. Zayn shrugged so I guess the boys did that a lot. He threw his keys to the table and sat down on the sofa, kicking his shoes off. He was so messy. I rolled my eyes at him and went to OUR room to get the notebook. I wanted to go watch movies with Zayn and writing was pulling me away from it so I just scribbled quickly and ran out before Zayn could come in and check up on me. I went downstairs and smiled. Zayn was already looking for a movie to watch. I went over to him and leaned on his shoulder. 

"Liam has more movies than me and Lou combined. So we basically just have the transporter, finding nemo, toy story-" 

"Let's watch finding Nemo!" I said excitedly. I had always wanted to watch that movie but never got the chance. I didn't even let Zayn finish what he was saying. "I'm sorry..." I muttered, staring at my feet so I wouldn't have to look at his gorgeous brown eyes. He laughed and put the movie in. 

"It's okay." be chuckled. "I actually haven't finished watching it. " he sat down and patted the spot next to him. I hesitantly made my way to the sofa and sat stiffly beside him. He smiled at me and pulled me closer. I felt myself relaxing at his touch. The warmth of his body was soothing. His scent. His skin. His even breathing. Everything about him made me want to be as close to him as possible. He wrapped his arm around me comfortingly. This just didn't feel like enough. I put my arms around his waist. I felt myself constantly needing more of him. I shifted my attention to the telly, just in time for when the clown fish fell into the sea anemone. I gasped and snuggled a tiny bit closer. 

"You should have just sat on my lap." Zayn murmured, letting out a small chuckle. I blushed a deep shade of red. I hadn't realized I was practically on top of him. But he didn't seem to mind.  

"it's okay. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you. I promise I will never let anything happen to you.... Nemo." I started to tear up. That one line made me want to cry so bad. 

"You want an ice pop?" Zayn asked. I smiled. He gently pushed me off and went to the kitchen. I felt weird and out of place with out Zayn being there. 

"How old are sea turtles?" nemo asked.  I was really enjoying the movie until Zayn came out of the kitchen sucking on a cherry ice pop. I stared as he wrapped his lips around it. He noticed and pulled it out. He handed me the other one that he had. He thought it was because he hadn't given me mine...

"Sorry about that." He chuckled. I shrugged. At least I could use that as an excuse. But I could tell I was still blushing. I just hoped he wouldn't ask about it. He sat down and pulled me onto his lap. I tried to focus on the movie but I kept thinking about Zayn. Tonight was going to be... Interesting.

A/N: soon it will be revealed as to what is in Niallers notebook! I think it's pretty easy to guess. Maybe it'll seem obvious after I tell you, If you haven't guessed it already lol. Sorry for making Greg seem like a total prick. I just need him to be an ass for now XD I assure you things will get better.

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