simple calls

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[Niall's POV]

I could feel as panic began to creep up on me, my breathing becoming heavy and the taste of my tears salty on my lips. I just watched someone get kidnapped. It was ironic seeing as I had been kidnapped from the person I had grown so attached to. The only difference between Zayn and I was the fact that he actually had people who cared. People who wouldn't hesitate to start looking for him. Sure, they weren't e best of people, but we had managed to become close. I sat there, forcing myself to calm down and wait to see if those large men were planning on returning soon. But they never came. And I realized it became quiet in the messy motel room; almost quiet enough to hear the cars from the busy city a few miles off. Zayn's phone had stopped playing music. How could I have been so stupid? I picked up his phone, thankful that there wasn't a password that I would spend forever trying to solve. I scrolled carefully through Zayn's contacts and gave a relieved sigh when I found Liam's name. I just hoped he would actually pick up. I mean yeah, Liam was pretty responsible and normally had his phone on him. But he was talking nonstop to Josh lately. As happy as I was that Josh managed to find a relatively good guy (If you could consider a gang member as a nice guy) for himself, I really couldn't have one of Josh's calls interrupting me right now.

[Liam's POV]

I couldn't stop freaking out. Yaser ha called. Usually that wouldn't make me worry (at least, not this much). I guess it was just the fact that he had called several times that made me nervous. Most of he time, if I couldn't get to the phone, he would give up after 3 rings. Now what was I supposed to do? I didn't know if I should call back because this was yaser we were talking about. I chewed my lip, placing it down on the counter to ponder a bit. Really, I didn't think it would be a good idea to call back, but i couldn't just ignore this! Maybe I should just call the other lads instead and see if they heard anything? It seemed I had fallen seconds short because my phone was already ringing. Zayn was calling. I gave a sigh of relief, answering it almost immediately.

"Zayn, i'm so fucking glad you called! you wouldn't happen to know if--"

"Liam.." Niall's voice came through the speaker, laced with concern.

"Oh! Niall, hey. can you let zayn know that-"

"No, I cant. he isn't here." He said almost bitterly. He almost sounded angry? Did I do something wrong? I leaned on my arm, the cold counter making me shiver in the slightest as my brows furrowed with confusion. What could be wrong? "If I got you at a bad time I could always call back." I reassured, thinking maybe if something had happened with Yaser, it wasn't much I couldn't handle with the other lads.

"Zayn wouldn't be able to pick up, Liam." I could almost see Niall pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "He's gone, Liam. He's been taken." and only then, did I allow myself to start worrying.

A/N: Sorry sorry sorry. My laptop doesn't work and I've been trying to finish this up for a while. I feel terrible, yeah? Please forgive me? I'll give you a virtual hug if you do *Pouts*

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