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Percy's pov

  I saw End kick my sister away.

  Now I run through the battling demigods, Chaos soldiers, and monsters, killing multiple monsters on my way, trying to find Alex.

  I found her.

  She had been kicked into the wall of the Big House. Now, she leans heavily on the wall, trying to defend herself from the monsters that surrounded her. Leo fought his way through, but he couldn't reach her just yet.

  I willed myeslf to become invisible, then start through the large group of monsters, slashing through each one that's close to me, which are quite alot actually, because they're all so close together.

  I wipe out atleast a fourth by the time I reach Alex. I let the invisiblity go and stand infront of Alex, killing all the monsters that dare get into a five foot radius.

  They dare too, but they weren't very smart, given they only dared to do it three at the most. Leo reaches us and sets half the monsters on fire, the rest, I drown with lake water.

  Alex collapses.

  I turn to her, and start healing her.

  "What were you thinking?" I ask her.

  "Vision. They had Mom, Paul, and Theseus all tied up and was about to murder Mom... I couldn't just stand by, I had to do something..."

  "End wanted you to see that, you realize that right?"

  She nods. I give her some of my energy. "Good. Now, come on, I am not leaving Chaos to fight End alone."

  I help her up and we all charge back into battle.

A/N This might be the last chapter for today, cause I'm about to plunge into a Once Upon a Time marathon on Netflix. If you like OUaT, they have the first three seasons on here. Vote and comment about what u think plz! Bye!

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