Chapter 49

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Sleep came easy to Naomi for once. When she woke up, she had the irritating feeling of knowing she had dreamed but not knowing what the dream was about. It was like constantly being on the verge of sneezing.

After breakfast, she checked her messages and replied to Katie who was worried about her. Naomi sent a message to reassure her friend that she was fine before liking some posts made by celebrities she followed. Yet again, all the news could talk about was politics and Naomi found it dull. They kept repeating the same things and it was getting more and more boring. She didn’t understand why he watched it.

“Do you still watch soap operas?” she asked. Naomi looked over at Michael as he finished his bacon sandwich. He nodded.
“Yes, why?”
“Just wondering, “ said Naomi. “Why do you still watch them?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know, sometimes they can be interesting. And sometimes they’re very boring. It depends, I guess.” Naomi shrugged and turned back to her pieces of toast.

Naomi spent the remainder or the morning in her room.She still didn’t know what she could draw as a thank you for Lucifer. As she sat at her desk, staring at her blank page, she heard a few soft knocks on her door. It had to be Abigail, Michael’s knocks were a lot louder.

Wondering what she wanted, Naomi stood up and put her pencil down. Opening her door, she saw Abigail stood there with a nervous smile on her face. Abigail was almost as tall of her now.
“Hey,” said Naomi, confused on why she was there.
“Hi,” said Abigail. She looked down at her hands and Naomi noticed that she was holding the colouring pencils that used to be Naomi’s. “These are yours.” Abigail offered them out to Naomi.

For a moment, Naomi was confused and then she realised Abigail was trying to give them back.
“Oh,” said Naomi as she took the pack of colouring pencils back. “Thank you.” She wasn’t sure how to react, she hadn’t expected to ever get them back.
“Some of them might be really small now and I wanted to get you news ones but I didn’t have time.”
“No, no,” said Naomi, shaking her head. “It’s fine, really.”

Abigail smiled and Naomi smiled back and she watched as a golden light shone in a halo shape above her head. Abigail had just gotten her wings.
“Want to go and watch tv for a bit?” Naomi offered.
Abigail smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”
“Yeah, sure, okay.” Naomi nodded. “I’m just going to put these on my desk or something.” Naomi did just that before heading downstairs with Abigail.

Naomi and Abigail sat on the sofa together and Michael poked his head around the kitchen doorway to see what they were doing. With a smile, he vanished back into the kitchen.
“I’ll be right back, want any food?” said Naomi as she stood up.
“Can I have a chocolate?” she asked.
“Sure, which one?”
“Any, just not the Snickers,” said Abigail. Naomi nodded before heading into the kitchen.

“I think she was waiting for the right time,” said Naomi as she opened the fridge to get the chocolate.
“What?” he asked as he spun around to face her.
“She gave me my colouring pencils back and she had the halo light thing,” she whispered to her brother.
“She has her wings?” he gasped. Naomi laughed a little at his excitement. He had been excited for her too. “That’s brilliant.”
“It probably took so long because I wasn’t here so she couldn’t give me the colouring pencils back,” said Naomi. “I wasn’t expecting them back.”

Michael smiled and nodded to himself while Naomi grabbed a chocolate for herself. She headed back into the living room and offered Abigail the choice between chocolates. Abigail picked one and Naomi opened the other as she sat back down next to Abigail. They both put their wrappers on the table to be thrown away later and then started watching cartoons.

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