Chapter 36

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Naomi sat in silence in Samiel’s office as he shut the door.
“You had another argument,” he said as he walked back to his chair. Naomi couldn’t tell if he sounded angry but she nodded. “And then ran off to Hell which.”
Naomi looked up from her hands and nodded. “Yeah.”
“You know, I’m not all too surprised at that,” he said. Her eyes widened a little. “No one’s hurt you down there, have they?”
Naomi shook her head. “No, no one’s hurt me in Hell.”

Samiel hummed and pulled his chair out. He sat down and then rested his feet on his desk. He sort of reminded Naomi of Lucifer.
“Michael headed down to Hell with Abigail as well, he told me,” said Samiel. “Abigail has Gabe and Raph’s powers which means… well, we don’t know what it means, do we?”
“Not yet,” said Naomi. She wasn’t surprised Michael had told him. “Did he tell you he was scared? He seemed scared.”
Samiel shook his head. “Not really but figured it out myself, it wasn’t hard to tell considering he ran to Hell.”

They were both quiet for a while. Naomi kicked at the carpet on the floor with her shoes.
“He said you lied to him,” said Michael. “That you were going to Hell when you told him you were at school.”
“Well I haven’t skipped school,” said Naomi. “But yeah, I lied to him about going to Hell in general I guess. Even if I told him, it would have caused an argument.”

“You were both looking for reasons to argue by the sounds of it,” said Samiel. He sighed and rested his head on the back of his chair. “Are you going to go back to Michael?”
“I wasn’t planning to,” said Naomi. “Why?”
“I think you should,” he said. Naomi did not like that answer much. “Or at least consider it. Naomi, Hell isn’t a good place. You’re probably in the nice bits of it, you haven’t seen the rest of it.”
“No, but I know that people are tortured there, I did see you and Ryan getting tortured,” said Naomi a little sharply. Almost instantly, she regretted it. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face.

Samiel sat up properly and took his feet off of his desk. “I know,” he said. “I remember.”
“Look, I feel happy in Hell,” she said, despite missing the sunshine. “Lucifer cared about me and Ozzo is nice even if they pretend they aren’t.” Samiel looked unsure and yet again, the room became silent.

“Edriel, he’s in Hell, isn’t he?”
Naomi stared at Samiel and hesitantly nodded. “Yeah, he is.”
“That’s why you brought up Dungeons and Dragons and the illusions, because that’s what he does, isn’t it?” he asked. Naomi nodded again. “I thought so. So he ran to Hell and not Earth.”
“Well, he ran to Earth first. And then he met some demons and sort of moved to Hell,” said Naomi, hoping she was remembering correctly.
“I see,” said Samiel. He looked a little upset. “Is he still a goth?”
N\aomi smiled and laughed a little. “Yeah, he’s still a goth. He has bright blue hair and is always eating fruit.”

Samiel smiled to himself and nodded. He muttered something to himself.
“So is he a fallen angel?”
Naomi shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said. “I’d assume so but I’ve never seen his wings to confirm it.”
Samiel hummed. “Maybe he isn’t a fallen angel then.”
“Does it matter if he is or not?” asked Naomi. Samiel stared at her for a moment.
“No,” he said as he shook his head. “I’m just curious, I suppose.”

“Are you a fallen angel?” asked Naomi. Samiel’s eyes widened. He looked as though he wasn’t expecting a question like that despite what they were talking about. “I’m just curious, I suppose.”
“Lucifer is a bad influence on you,” he murmuered but he said it loud enough for Naomi to hear. She smiled a little. “But I don’t know.”
“What do you mean?” she asked, furrowing her brow.
“I don’t know, I haven’t looked at my wings in centuries and I don’t plan to any time soon,” he said. “I don’t see the point and it’s too risky when I’m around humans so often. Besides, it wouldn’t be shocking either way, I walk on a fine line between the ideals of God and the ideals associated with Lucifer.”

Naomi hummed and reached over to the tub of chocolates. Samiel smiled as she took two of them before putting the tub back.
“I really think it would be worth it, talking to Michael. I’d rather the two of you be civil rather than being like how Raphael and Lucifer are.” Naomi hummed. She wasn’t too surprised really, when she thought about it. Samiel was one of the only archangels who didn’t seem determined to trap Lucifer in Hell. In fact, he’d only showed up after Lucifer had hurt some of the archangels. She wondered how Samiel knew they were there but she realised he would likely never tell her.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” asked Samiel. He stared into her eyes and Naomi nodded.
“Yeah,” she said. She picked up her bag. “I should probably head to my next class soon.”
“Say hi to Ed and Luci for me, would you?”
“Sure,” she said. Hopefully Ed wouldn’t be too annoyed with Samiel knowing he was in Hell. It wasn’t like she had told him he was there, he had already figured it out himself.

Naomi headed towards the door but stopped before she opened it and turned back to Samiel. “Why did you tell Michael I wasn’t here?”
“I only mentioned I hadn’t seen you here that much after school, I never said specifically that I hadn’t seen you at all. For all I know, you could have been here after school,” he said with a shrug.
“So Michael just sort of assumes I wasn’t here at all.”
“Perhaps,” said Samiel with a shrug. “You’d have to ask him.”
Naomi hummed and nodded. “See you soon.”

As Naomi walked to her next lesson, she thought about what would happen if she did try to meet with Michael. She was afraid it would just end up as an argument, especially if Lucifer and Abigail were involved at all. Still, she supposed it was something to consider.

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