Chapter 35

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Naomi woke up and quickly changed into her school uniform before packing her backpack and heading to the dining room. She could pick her bag up before getting transported to Earth.

“What if Samiel does something?” asked Naomi before picking up a piece of toast. Lucifer paused and hummed.
“I don’t know, what would he do?” asked Lucifer.
“I don’t know,” said Naomi after she finished her bite of toast. She shrugged. “But I’m scared he’ll do something.”
“He won’t hurt you,” said Lucifer. He smiled a little and Naomi felt a little more safe. Samiel had no reason to hurt her, she was just panicking more that likely. “He might just try to figure out what’s going on with you and Michael and that’s if he even knows.”

After breakfast, she grabbed her bag and coat and headed to Lucifer’s office where he said he would be waiting for her. As he said, Lucifer was waiting for her. He was sitting on the corner of his desk again.
“You have a chair for a reason,” said Naomi with a smile.
He shrugged. “Chairs get boring.”
“And table don’t?” she asked, furrowing her brow.
“Never,” he said, shaking his head. She thought about it, she always sat on the tables when the teachers disappeared for a while and Katie and Ryan usually did the same too.

“I’ll see you later,” said Lucifer. “If something happens, don’t hesitate to run for it.”
Naomi nodded. “I will,” she said. She smiled at him before finding herself in the church.

The autumn air was freezing and the wind blew her hair in her face. She was grateful for the sunlight despite it lacking warmth. As soon as she was inside school, she headed to her class and claimed the radiator nearest to it to warm herself up.

“Naomi, hey,” said Katie with a grin as the blonde girl spotted her from down the corridor. Katie speed-walked down the corridor to greet her. “How are you?”
“Good, mostly,” said Naomi. She wasn’t really lying, she felt better now she was with Lucifer.
“How are things with you and Michael?”
“Eh…” Naomi trailed off. “We had an argument and I ended up staying with two of my other brothers for the weekend.”
“Oh,” said Katie. She sounded both concerned and confused. “That doesn’t sound too good though.”

Naomi shrugged and vaguely explained that she had stopped with Ed, Ozzo and Lucifer for the weekend after a bad argument and when Michael had tried to talk to her at her brothers’ place that they told Michael to go away. It wasn’t entirely wrong so Naomi didn’t feel too bad explaining that to her.

Katie just frowned as she explained. “I hope everything sorts itself out for you.”
“Thanks,” said Naomi. She hoped everything would sort itself too, however unlikely that currently seemed. “Where’s Ianto?”
“Oh, he woke up late and told me to carry on,” said Katie, laughing a little. “We visited his second cousin yesterday and we spent a while there.”

Naomi felt as though she knew the name of Ianto’s cousin, Ianto wouldn’t shut up about his cousin for months before the summer holidays. “Darius?” she asked slowly.
Katie smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Ianto talks to him, I talk to his girlfriend, Luna. She’s so nice.” Naomi hummed, that name sounded familiar too. For some reason, she thought about the news.

She gasped as she realised that she had heard both of the names before. “Didn’t he save her from a car crash or a car fire or something like that?”
Katie smiled and nodded. “Yeah, she uh, she lost her hand from it and Darius ended up teaching her how to write and taught her sign language too.”

“Didn’t her brother get murdered too?” said Naomi as she remembered seeing some article on her phone. Katie hesitantly nodded. “I feel so bad for her.”
“Yeah, same,” said Katie. “Just don’t mention it to Ianto unless you want all of the weird gory bits.”
Naomi laughed a little and nodded. “I won’t, trust me.”

Ianto had run up the stairs and along the corridor to narrowly avoid being late to lesson as the teacher turned up less than a minute later. The exercise books had been handed out and Naomi had written the date and underlined it when Mr Jones walked in. Naomi refrained from sighing as she put her pen and ruler in her pocket.

“I’m so sorry to disturb you, Mrs Morris, but could I talk to Naomi? We might be a while.”

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