Chapter 31

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When they discovered Ozzo wasn’t free to play with them, Lucifer found another demon to take care of Ozzo’s duties for the day. Naomi smiled, it meant the four of them could spend a few hours together. Although, Naomi did feel a bit bad for the random demon who got assigned Ozzo’s duties.

All through the game, Ed kept eating from the bigger than usual bowl of fruit he had hiding behind the screen. Once it had finished, they headed to the dining room, Ed and Ozzo holding hands while Ozzo talked about how Ed wouldn’t tell them anything about the worldbuilding they had done for the game.

As they ate dinner, Naomi smiled. She really felt like she has a weird sort of family in Hell. And, despite him being her brother, Edriel felt more like a cool older cousin and Ozzo was their partner. Lucifer did feel like an old brother but not in the same way Michael was. They were both protective over her and wanted to keep her from harm but in different ways. Michael hid things in an attempt to protect her innocence while Lucifer seemed to tell her about the dangers but dealt with them by himself (or in most cases, he got demons to deal with it).

With all the talking over dinner, Naomi was surprised the food hadn’t gotten cold by the time they had finished eating. Desert was brought out and Naomi was perfectly happy with the chocolate brownie and ice cream. After dessert, they ended up talking in the dining room for a while.

“Do you think I could have a desk in my room?” asked Naomi. She didn’t have one at the minute, just some general but fancy bedroom furniture. A desk would be nice, she could write and draw in her notebooks easier.
“I don’t see why not,” said Lucifer with a smile. “I wouldn’t be able to go with you though. Ozzo or Ed could go with you tomorrow, if that’s alright with everyone.”

“I could go with you tomorrow,” said Ozzo with a smile.
Naomi smiled back and nodded. “Yeah, that’ll be great.” Now she was looking forward to tomorrow. She could pick out a desk and they could go and look in different places. “Would we be able to go to IKEA?”
“IKEA?” repeated Lucifer with his brow furrowed.

“You’ve been trapped in here too much,” said Ed with a small smirk. “IKEA is a Swedish furniture shop where everything comes in boxes and you have to assemble it yourself.” He explained it as if he was reading a dictionary definition and was trying to make it simpler.
“You could pay them but I don’t think we could do that here,” said Naomi with a frown. That did mean she’d get to help of watch people putting together IKEA furniture if they brought it from there.

“Well, I suppose you could look there if you wanted to?” Lucifer said, he still sounded a little confused over things. Naomi grinned, she was going to buy an IKEA desk if there was one she liked because she really wanted to see everyone try to put it together.
“We’re getting an ice cream too,” said Naomi. “They have the best ice creams in the cafe bit at the end when you’re leaving.”
“Right…” said Lucifer slowly. Naomi felt a little bad, he seemed so confused over it.

Naomi spent the rest of her day in her bedroom. There was a space next to the chest of drawers for a desk and a chair.  She could put a lamp on it too. Part of her missed her room, she didn’t have a window in Hell and the walls were bare. There were no movie posters or drawings on her walls in Hell. Part of her wanted to have a corkboard somewhere in her room so she could pin art to it. She felt too awkward to ask right after asking for a desk though, she’d ask another time.

Once she had finished her little sketches of people, she changed into some clean pajamas and headed to bed.

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