Chapter 45

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Both of her brothers looked at her with surprised expressions.
“Really?” asked Michael. He sounded as if he could hardly believe it.
Naomi slowly nodded. “Yes. But if it’s like before, I’m not dealing with it. I’m not going to be happy with being ignored.”
Michael nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Lucifer huffed. “I can’t believe this,” he muttered. “Are you really going to change so easily?” Naomi remembered what Ed and Ozzo had told her about Lucifer taking time to change.
“Maybe not within the week, or less than a week, I’ve had but I can try,” said Michael. Naomi furrowed her brow only to remember that the times didn’t match up.
Lucifer hummed and stared at Michael. He clearly didn’t think much of this idea but didn’t want to say no. “It’s up to you. Go, if you want.”

“I mean, it’s worth a try, right?” said Naomi, anxiously glancing at Lucifer. “It’s not saying it would even turn out well or anything.”
Michael smiled. “Do you want to go now and come back for the weekend or… or wait till the weekend and spend that with us?”
“I’ll go now and come back for the weekend. I want to say bye to Ozzo and that,” said Naomi. She didn’t know if Michael was aware of Edriel’s presence in Hell.
“They’ll be in the dining room,” said Lucifer. He still didn’t look too happy but Naomi thanked him before turning and left the office room.

Naomi practically ran to the dining room and burst through the doors. Ed looked over and smiled before furrowing his brow.
“What is it?” he asked, he had a feeling something was happening.
“I’m going to spend a few days with Michael, just to see if it’ll be okay. Even if it is, I want to spend weekends here.” Naomi hoped she wouldn’t see any visions when she hugged them but she guessed she could live with it.

“Oh,” said Ozzo. “So you’ll be gone for a few days?” They seemed a little upset.
“Yeah but I’ll come back,” said Naomi. She hadn’t realised they would miss her. She hadn’t really thought about that. “And we can play Dungeons and Dragons for a few hours if you want and that. It’s just… I do miss  Michael, you know?”
Ed hummed and stood as he set down his half-eaten piece of toast. “It’s alright, you have to do what’s best for you.”

He pulled her into a hug and she felt his cold skin. There were no visions.
“What did you see?” he asked softly. He sounded curious.
“Nothing, for once,” she said. Confused, she moved around Ed to hug Ozzo and yet again, she saw no visions. That was odd. She could think on it later, however, as she wanted to quickly grab some things from her room and head back to the office.

Once she had said her goodbyes to Ed and Ozzo, she headed to her room. Naomi grabbed her sketchbook and school things and stuffed them all into her bag. She grabbed her phone charger and stuffed it into her bag and grabbed her phone and her jacket.

She was a little out of breath when she returned to Lucifer’s office. Michael was sat opposite Lucifer at his desk bt neither of them were talking. She was wondering if they had said anything interesting while she wasn’t there.

Michael turned to her and smiled again. “Are you ready to go?”
Naomi looked to Lucifer who looked a little tired and maybe a little disappointed. Naomi couldn’t tell if he was disappointed in himself or with her. “I guess so.”

Before Lucifer would snap and transport her away, she rushed over and pulled him into a hug. Yet again, there were no visions.
“See you soon,” she whispered.
“See you in a few days.”

There was the snap of his fingers and yet again, she was standing in front of the church.

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